Show o I II HI HH HI I H I I II IH 1 I y y T X I I 1 I I 0 ty h IH H IH R JI H II PULPIT DECORATIONS S IN THE TiE GREAT OREA T TABERNACLE TABERNACLE This picture gives elves a l very ory adequate to Idea of ot the tho decorations of at the th 0 pulpits of ot tho great grent Tabernacle of ot the tho organ front It I will wi bo observed that upon the faco of at the latter are largo pictures s of ot Apostle Woodruff wife the tho likenesses having beautiful backgrounds of ot white crepe repe ft n material that was used leed In draping the stands bo he bolow helow low Tho sot pieces comprised tho large column and wreath on 01 the Improvised 11 platform Immediately In front of at tho lower stand These were cre augmented by cut lowers and potted plants and palms L |