Show 1 Hf f FOR R L LI Lf h I Jt f Mrs Irs r Anna Antia rinds It Too Foci and Kills Hills Her lIer Two I t Children H COMMITTED SUICIDE 1 hC Was Threatened With Starvation And Her lIer Husband Wat WU as Hope Hopelessly hopelessly oj lessly lessl r cI cIt t Chicago Jims 28 toned with I iota and ii 01 with wIt h hoi iet husband hope hopelessly hOI hOIl lessly l ny Insane III In III the at III l ke kee ce Mrs Mr Anna gave up UI tha the for or existence killing lur hi h three children rh then ending e n ci In her own i life Itte Illuminating Hall gas wo Willi tho thu menus lot destruction de she sho adopted When the tho bodes were found today nil four been dead hours i iI The he II 1 In iti three rooms I lilt nt lit North streel today n ft countable was ne to eject the mother her babies holM from the thi premises for or nonpayment II t or of i tent nt After A ft l Mm Mrs had bad b been m nerved with a II sum coin summons mons to In lit court she decided to md tool thin tho lived of 0 herself nod and little tines nes i The rhe children Herman I Walter agut 7 5 G 2 3 yearn yean It I o were found fOil lid In bod locked In ona arnie II rill II The rhe mothers hotly body wim WILS found on oil the kitchen KUH gas wan from it II Jet In the room Iho thin wo woo mat every to do 10 with herself and amid children wn woe Ins evident lIt She Bho wrote mid n n it 1 Jotter hotter addressed to a n In III Cler hr many Then sho hio bt herself and mull donned cleaned linen child hint had been heon given a n bath night gowns gown placed upon them thorn and the this little ones sent lent to tho thin sleep Itell from from which they tho would never awaken Several ago ItRO who i I out of ot work at lit tt the time became 1 neam from over his troubles tand was sent cent tn II tho tue Since inco that time the Ihl mother toothier who tho wn Willi In III poor health him bum had n it bind ha mit e for tOI existence I host week teck nho hu HO 10 that she I ns aS nimble Imitable to work she had 1 hur huer last dollar for tOl tool food I for tor herself amId lIIrI Iho tho children |