Show 1 1 x TAKE AN INTEREST IN YOUR JOB Copyright 1921 by by- bythe ih the Wheeler Syndicate Inc A A. big business man who started out ut In life as ns a n. poor country i iA Is la now wor worth h millions was as talking the other dB day about abouL people who boy bov arri n and t those who never get anywhere arrive Tho secret ecret of ot success he ho said Baid la is enthusiasm You ou have ha to 1 j pu put pUl heart as well as your our back Into your our work to make A no go ego of oC It You rou 6 h v r to love your out job In orrl order r to turn out a a. good Job ha I. I You ou have to he interested Inter In what you rou are doing before you ou lie awake nights thinking of or bettor ways wn's to do It In all of of my long lon I have ne never ne r s seen n n a a single Individual mako n n. success of or anything In which he or she he he was sas a not not vitally Interested d. PUNCh AND PEP PCP Yo You can enn give a boy and girl aUthe all aU the technical training training- that Is po possible to to fit tit them for lor a certain care career cr The They ma may have a natural l bent for tor tho the line you put them In They may m-ay start out I I under tinder tile the most nU yet et they will fail t It If they are ara not p t rested In their JO Job and Ho tin 11 l not p punch and pep pop into r it t. t l tNt And AntI you OU cant can't do rio rIo that t. It If wj nr are don loing bor boros s you 1 0 to r I bod body can n win In out who ho Is saddled sC II with Ith the dead weight of ot bor fio T 14 Is 18 a n. fatal handicap p that th t y rive give up tip before you jou OU OUen even en st start rt tl t to tho the rac race raco re rca You have hR got s-nt to f with tho the faith that Is la In you that t th Jw o wok sij to which you ou hMo have let art your our hi i I worth doing you ou have hwe git ti I have havo a Joy in doing doln- It Jt b before toro you ou got lIot to tai out the work that th la is world and for Cor which the t I willing to 10 pay Therefore when hen I r find on f of h. h 1 en taking a 1 real reat Interest i IP h h rt I work Instead of doln doing It Ik a. a hM iL 11 I and arHl loathed ta tl ll lt I Immediate toly K b ia iato I. I to tako take Int r an r t t In him m- m mh h her t L cause I know that lie he or Ih h he i pretty prett certain to maltA mik l A. A 4 stimulate this Inter Interest st bj- bj ail adding r thrills thrill In in- inthe tho the shape shapo 0 or an adva ii fa position and salary nut But I never neler bother with th thou thee r do theIr work perfunctorily nn t ter If It they are They I n never go nn any t farther Tho ar j JI co cogs s In a a. machine Th vr They Thoy y win will n fOr f f a dynamo that drives u the tho bUit ML Cf C Theres nothing In the world a u I Ions as ns II I I I IB Is boredom Wa We 0 cafe moo 11 i I with whom nhom we come In and react to them When hen I T go 0 IntI I store to bu buy something and the den cUr looks as os If he was tas about to wet vp h J. cause causa I had disturbed his day dy drea reL reLand and ho he shows that ho doesn't nt cat CJU whether I buy huy or not nine nino times cu of or ten I dont don't bu buy But If I hit a J. J d k who Is Iff on his tip toes tOts nn and who U is I excited over 1 helping helln me get ct what i 1 want as If Jt li h were makin making me rue I t Christmas pre present ent and who ho knows a at I about his Roods goods and why they ther ar are th best belt and l tho the cheapest for or the tho manJI money I he Is dead certain to sell me not on oni on what r I came to bu buy but bul a n lot of I I didn't know J wanted until he ho point pointed point ed out to mo mc that Wo life hi ti worth living ll without them If I I 1 have found b by actual x that I J can dictate twice as aR ln many ny Ie let ter and twice as con convincing ones onu t ta to a stenographer who Is Interested Is It her Job and who Is as ns keen about th the th I business as us If It were her hr own as I J cm n to a lackadaisical young ounG I d lady rho yawns awns In m mv my taco faco e cr every time I 1 pact paun to 10 think and who plainly shows shuns that she doesn't care re a n hoot u whether nether th whole work goes to lot pot or not R. R Rh IS e can pet et a Job somewhere here else elsa so o gg e h should worry Not ot only Is taking an Jin Interest la Iii your work the secret of success It itis Is tho the magic ma-Ic that turns tUrn toll toil Into Inlo play pity Having a good time Is Just doln doing the thi h thing ou enjoy doing and when yet yea love 6 your our work when you OU find your o r chief pleasure In putting Into It ever every bit of the tho energy and brains God ms ure you jou ou and when you ou seo see th th result results come com back In solid achievement why ou you ou havo got the best fun tun that's jO- jO e I Ing I ITS irs A fIG DIG GAME IE You are sitting Bitting In the big gans whore where you ou are aro matching your our skill your our tin finesse your knowledge of ot met mea and events e against ag the tho shrewdest rata In the the- world and that's real s sport rt U It I you jou oil want sport port And If It you jou ou are set seek Ing ad and romance elu wll wil you OU find moro more of or It than In Ih ti commerce that th sails the tho seven seas seu set and establishes Its trading po posts ls on the very ery outskirts of the world A Vt great deal Is written about why Vh women do not oftener succeed 1 In bus bin nez nes and rise to high places in office The real answer Is that wom women n seldom tako any Interest In their work Their real interest Is In catching a husband and they are aro only working until they cn can marry T t. t why h the they ar are more t 4 In how the they look look than In tho kind of ot work thoy they turn out er Whenever ou find a girl who takes tho the same sante hurt heart Interest in her spoiling and the nut nut- ness of the tho letters she turns out ai at aishe she does In the wa way she sho combs her hair yon yori will vill find rind that sho she Is some eom somebody's O body's prized private secretary AM And when you Ou find a 1 saleswoman p who Is IsiS Is u Interested 1 and enthusiastic about eel till U- U ing tho the right hat as she would b be In in n picking out one for tor herself herselt you ou find finda a potential head of oC a department And Its It's be because use women don dont don't t u tall ule ulean an any Interest In housework that th tb they r 11 u find It such drudgery really one of ot the tho finest arts and S 1 j fascinating occupation it r ono one go goeS goM l he j about It Intelligently Thrift can can made sordid or an nn Interesting u. u dUng citing game Just n as you ou view It sure BUtt surely I ly 13 no woman could desire a n hl higher her Cf r. r nobler career than developing thi t. minds and souls of her children Tel nt Yet women complain of or the dullness of ot d de' de i life Ute Its It's because the they have havo no not learned to Interest cs In tim then work They have havo rot pot ot to learn that wa we n mutt mea it put the tho best of ourS ourS' ourselves hea Into our omit jO jobs jow 1 tr to cri get t th the tho best rC results M. 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