Show T Lr ATHENS Sept 5 Greek Greek troops are aro continuing their advance against th the Turkish natIo nationalists aliss along the rl river r says Bays an nJ official statement state state- ment A semIo semiofficial ue says ays According to a Constantinople re re port tho the Turkish c authorities at attested arrested about prominent Greeks June rune 16 IG and after forcing each eich to pay a 0 large sum put ut them to death Seven Soven hundred ct escaping orphans died of ot starvation The Embros' Embros correspondent at telegraphs that as as 88 a result of ot deportations and massa massacres rs there thero are only 00 women and chU children r n left lett of ot the Armenian Inhabitants there S. S GENERAL HEADQUARTERS O OTHE OF Oi THE GREEK ARMY I IN ASIA MINOR MINO Sept 6 Greek Greek f forces orce which have hayo been engaged in a furious struggle gb gle glo In the loop of tho river have haw advanced Approximately six miles They arc are now before Po- Po lath the main base basc of ot the Turkish nationalist army Sunrise tod today y found tho the Turks hastily evacuating all their lines andIn and In full retreat on Angora Th The Tho Greek army Is la closely pursuing Greek GricK officers hero are convinced that the occupation of ot Angers b by the I advanced Greek troops Is imminent I They are are are only three days days' march from that city I CONST CONSTANTINOPLE A Sept SepI l 6 Tho 5 The Turkish nationalist right wing and also the left leU are aro successfully holding notwithstanding notwithstanding not not- withstanding the strenuous efforts of ot the Greek forces to bre break k their thelt resistance resistance resistance resist resist- ance and the fall of or Angora is not likely like Uke likely ly y to s soon on as had been antici antici- The b battle tUe has be been n raging with undiminished violence more th than n twelve days |