Show a EDITION Some SOllie or of the or of runes It Stilt lAke Herald The herald con oon the Deseret upon the completion of Ils Ii fIftieth year and nd also allO upon the he very r edition with which It the event lb anniversary a cal and mechanIcal noS t of view I w wan wall wana walla a gent em In fact one oDe of the best special pedal numbers ever by a Utah news lIew newspaper paper ar Journal The souvenir lr edition of Ih the Deret ret Ne New Wu vu a most moat ex cx excellent ceMent number both boU In regard to mat matter tet ter arrangement and nd work It reflect credIt credIton on tb the ot of Utah journalism Utah County Democrat We rec with the Its anniversary and extend The NI New his bas grown gron silvery In new rift ear ago It wu was a very sheet In pamphlet sue today It is one ope of the mOlt moat Important pa papers n ot of the Inter Intermountain mountain region and one ot of the ghe largest papers In our State Bure Surely the New baa b ben beers Hrs hens to the hIt N News |