Show I I With the Pond Ne New York Tork Jim death I is an announced or of David M 11 Darn flames ot of this city In hi his year ear lie He wu was the bus band of RON floe the soirees wu was wasat at one on time editor ot of the Albany N Y Express and wa a I connected WIth the New York Times und under Henry Hnry J Rey fley mond Seattle Wish Sumac Ma Mathew Mathews thew formerly or of Chelan Washington and Ind Alex Aiex Reed Heed formerly ot of South Sculls Di Da Dakota kota died at Juneau recently from eating mussels at Seward Two other oIlier miners were affected but escaped by drinking whisky Portland Ore June Jun han IRn assistant general freight agent or of orthe the Michigan Central Railroad died In Inthis this city last night or of pneumonia Mr lr MacMillan whose we were In InI Chicago came here R a week ago ogo on bust busl bustness ne ness when he ken ill III |