Show 12 i ROBERTS TRIAL ENDED JUr j rinds tho tha Defendant Guilty onn Agreed j V J L U fi nE SA t I II l I to IC d dIu Took lIlIk Iu u flIe Court Quit lo o I Fiti FitiaL FI tt aL 18 1 and Ind In order to tN th 1 n liS to tb the validity of the thel th It II Re ReT J 1 X harf B l T Ih t n of unlawful bp 1 th h supreme me court ourt ALter r 11 i Jt 3 H 21 U coon tor th tb and nd the t tco n a US U J 1 no Ue tM jUry Jur I co w submItted to I an statement ot of ioU l 1 later lahr a vel lct ot a wa was returned w Wi Wirt I lIol rt fir tor 10 I IThe The Thi did not begin until 11 and ot of forty for hid had For or fully nn g aUer oon r ned Mr Mole Mylo and aM COunty Attorn 1 were In With id aeh other In Judge Judit cam cham chami i bezi bett Aft the attorneys had bail from the Judges judge the th ItrI t I let ot of Win wrt brought Into and a tW min mm ut aei later both to tk court that they were rady ads tall Call n a jUI jury dr r Clerk CIrk saId Judg Norrell and Curt CIrk called out the following nimes DIehl DIeh Robert Dye CharI J AI LN Li M KOPP William Taylor Tylor Gardner und and Jonn John 11 t I Ea Each Jb juror and all were wr i sworn to answer II their competency to cit It In the caN the ot of Mr Kopp who object J e to being and took of hie right to We waIve the examination ot of the th saId eald Mr Moyle when Mr I Via ut nani nam asked each of o the eight If h he would retUrn a verdict of guIlty In his Judgment the evidence or I tOn slon ot of the defendant warranted It In Inthe Inthe the abene of ii a uro answered In tb the nt and nd the th eight were sworn to try the cue case Clerk f then read the Information 10 t which Mr Moyle object un on the already slated The on onI I Were vero overruled and an an exception taken Whan Mr Ir Moyle read to the court and c I jury the following ot L The Ir Dr artI Shipp Robert a number of bt years yearl ago alo f is as a plural plumi wire wIfe The relationship hat las never been and he 1111 Mr hii u as such euch During the time lime charged In the ala ike h hI name publicly with hI Ida arid knowledge and has hae been bean ai I orally reputed their j and to 10 lH be hi his wit wife lie He tl hu has at her houe when In Bait Uk City has baa satan eaten meal there then ami alleS hal Introduced her on at hut three oe oc l either Ither ia hie wife or ii Mra Roberts to different persons Two or of were on railroad Irl IrlI I Tiley have hare gone to ut of anus nent ment and together and hay have a as together In public When JIlIn Ill in b bed on n on one h hi at er ar houe and was 1 and ond b by I hers her DurIng the time charged In tile the I he ws Wa also allO living and md cohabIting with hili i wit Sarah Roberts In DIa Davis vi count county Dro fl Mar Roberts during allibe alt the time charged In the reo p II sIded elded In Silt Like Lak county And the above aboe stated II a to Nr Mr relation with hr her all occurred In Bait lAke except the two on the railroad train No Ater the reading of the tl statement both aides alde ruLed Mr lIr Rid eald lae he did not care ollre to make mak any f oy however th Jury and In said Mid With Without Without out thing any of oC our ur right In this thle case ene gentlemen Wt we dont exact fros o a verdict of acquittal II CHARGES JURY At 1116 1115 the court char the jUry In exactly the lime earn langua used at atthe atthe the former lormer trial When the di dUo agreed ed and at 1 1121 21 thy they were taken In charge ot of by Deputy Dow Mr M yie maid aId so 80 far lar as al he wu con th Ih JUry could return Its verdict Without leaving the box The Th court had bad no Objections neither had lr I Put ut narn nam and the majority ot of U th Jurors acted II e thoUgh the they to reo ie main where they Were Ju Kopp Kapp Wa VII awn to hi head When to by Juror DIehl and thin the next thing the Jurors juroR were Wrt C seen to leave the box Th They wire were out about fIfteen minute Th The verdict sIgned by Christopher read ai follow We the jurors juron Slid lid the defendant U n guilty of at Unlawful a j charged III Ia that the verdict ot of you OU all gui eta I ileman asked Clerk lea Yel dr wu Was the reply ot o ill U SENTENCED SATURDAY I The then l the th Surer juro an ordred tb the defendant to appear 10 1 I 0 oel dOik lk saturday morning tor or BALLOTS I It was that three were taken b by Ih the Jury the first ot of which 1004 lOt itz for tor and two for acquittal Tho Tbt two out for acquittal are und to be Mari In anti and Kopp JoPP A and wll The ballot stood seven to one for tor convictIon Mr Ir Kopp th the odd one Before Detore the third ballot wu was taken there Was wal con talk In and the next vote wu unanimous for tor JUtA Y OF Yellowing Following wire wre witnesses In at attendance t John A Oro beck Jr Mrs Iri John A Groesbeck Jr U II S 8 Battle W II 11 So S Death Dr Margaret ar aret C Shipp Roberts Roberta Mrs Julia U 11 Allan Milton Allen Mill Miu Allen AUn Mr Ira Way May II 11 n II Clawson Mrs lrI Margret arret P F D Taylor Mt Mrs P F D TaY TaYlor lot lor Thomas J 3 E B A Me Daniel and nv fey s 8 JC Mrs DItta Detta was wan wanted b by the prose prOle prosecution cution but Mr Put Putnam am Informed the court the wItness could not be found ALL om m I BS A number ot of the witnesses were wre tear fear tearful fearful ful they would not get their t tIn fees ii In Ing they had not been sworn to testify In th tb O case N Mr was waa led I to and assured them that th they would get just as s much for saying nothIng as astur tur lur titling all U thy Ihy knew Clerk Miller then made out tire wit and court adJourned until The jury jur was wa composed of four Mor Mormon mon end and four |