Show Tho Work Walla Waits Washington June t 1 T r f fc r c J rk of the Lord Ie I pros proe r I II ot of J II vineyard V r r 10 I vi f r If truth un tin r I lire It II If g 1 17 11 ot jf reason and nt Scrip crIp 4 rl C the divinity of J ur II a r iii the restoration of t G ci i iM 1 An M a r bin we hive C rr r r tilt lbs sit III c and olle opened be 1 iy y fur 1 n tr f W u ot t the he people bite bert to toI I ii t i aI iii Ih of 1 i t I h la 1 two I WO months my laboN hal I a v lit I t II ti I he city ci I y of Walla Vatie Vilt 1 house houlle to house and I n a Ira t I I the peo I II I J very ry intelligent 11 wIl lire dress yoU and as aa a are 11 try to do but many are worldly minded and nd I IllI it hall ha quite frequently by our Ild Elders and thoroUghly can Th There 11 severI why h the people of Ibl thie beautiful city are tO eo op opposed posed to Mormonism One is III that a eel sett ot of apostates migrated from Mon Montan Montana tan tana and settled a at I I the he tool foot ot of the hills nine mil miles east I or of this city This peculiar peculiar liar seCt et WaS Wal I id d b by one Davis who claims that thal hie hi son m Will wac the Christ Mr Dav and nd all 1111 wore ore lon long hair ball are re referred to as aa the longhaired They expected to see Ife great thIngs transpire when the ld Id grew rew to manhood Th These se people called them themselves selves Mormons Mormon and when the name is II mentioned to them new It cause oil lie to come over them has also aillo done much In the minds l ot of the lOPIC against a us w have recently been bono honored b by a visit from our esteemed president Elder F Bramwell and hi brother harry Th The work of f the Jurd I Is progressing In this and some t few are be beIng Ing add 1 t the told fold of Christ The it ii I JIll rnest workers and nd are re doln doIng ili in pow power r to te promote the lull NII II ant the truth lruth tn in this Ii It t I II tI I havo hall had the or of meeting i ral of It Ih the advocate ot of the dlf dit t 1 rr r reds rd the lut iut twenty i contrast ot of their teneta as corn com cornI II I r I 1 with wilh our doctrine 1811 causes tb the reo re I 5 r of Christ to shine with within b in while the light lIht the or world profess to have to Is 1 It I UI II In darkness TI I A t welcome I II Is gt I i y a d i b by the Elders of oC thIs r f f 11 and I Is doing much math to en lid ui the minds mind of the people on the Ole C ot of affairs as the they exist In ThOMAS PLATT |