Show 1 WA WAYS S The tone that the ma majority majority I of oC young Women take with their mothers nowadays is II not pr precisely an indication of good breeding but then good br breeding seems leem to be rapidly vo go goIng i In Ing out ot of tuItion complains a woman I ot of the world A few relics ot of It are still lift just enough to how how delightful a thing It Will was A really courteous man manIs Is II now described as AI being ot of the old school A really high bred woman weman is II called old fashioned Nobody would Ilk like to ass children go 10 beck back to the stilted stiffness ot of the days when tb they called their parents parenti sir It and madam but their present do de demeanor meaner meanor is II tile the reverse ot of polite or gen genUe gentie Ue tie and reflects but little credit on them themselves lei selves or on tho those who ho them up The Tb mot mothers b seem Hem to get t so ae to this html of at from their daughters and do not per its effect t upon people who hear bear and 1100 see Me It for tb the first firt time |