Show lID Th B DESTROY CATARRH GERMS J I- AND END CATARRH FOREVER ithe This Antiseptic Air in Your Own Home and andi i kly End Catarrh Relieves Head Colds and andt B t Snuffles in Three Minutes diseases caused by germs the most persistent n ne t Catarrh can be cured way is to tt kill and drive driver r system system the the catarrhal h rig have found lodgment n fl the germs go the tle dis- dis will stop nothing better for tor such breathing Into your nose the pleasant sooth- sooth germ destroying air of o me a ot purest her bet powerful antiseptic ring ving Ingredients ta few lew drops of comes with every ck ge and breathe its air mutes four times a day in this way wai Ie be of air that enters theof the i of the nose head and goes into the lungs isilIa is ish h ilIa hagerm a germ destroying bal bal- every nook and membranes un- un passages passages kills the germs genns swollen mem- mem discharges clears the passages and nd nd completely overcomes overcomes overcomes over over- comes the disease by destroying the cause Mr S. S B. B MIddlebrook gO Broad Broadstreet Broadstreet Broadstreet street Stamford Conn writes I 1 had been troubled with catarrh for some time so bad that my breath was offensive But now I am aix free of it and can say that if anyone suffering suffering suffer Buffer I ing as I have will try H omel it will positively cure them as it did me me If you want to be le free from every symptom of catarrh are tired of tryIng trying trying try- try Ing one thing after atter another without benefit do as Mr MIddlebrook did go goto goto to Schramm-Johnson Schramm Drugs The Never Kever Five 5 Good Stores or your nearest druggist and get a complete Outfit Use It every day for a few minutes and if it does not drive the catarrh germs from your system and give you lasting lastIng lasting last last- ing relief from catarrh your druggist will give you your money back Hy Hy- omel is inexpensive and with this pro protecting guarantee behind your your purchase purchase pur pur- chase there is absolutely no reason why any sufferer from catarrh head hearl colds etc should not give it a fair trial Adv N PACIFIC SYSTEM TIME CARD EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 7 1915 t Dally Daily Arrive Cache Valley and Intermediate 5 55 P P. M M. M M Malad aleo arriving Ogden den Denver Kansas City Omaha M M Chicago 6 35 P P. MM M M. Ogden Malad going only Pocatello M M Ashton Montpelier Paris 4 45 P M M. Reno Sacramento Sacra Sacra- M ii Overland Ogden Limited mento San Francisco 6 0 0 P P. M. M I Ogden and Intermediate M M. Omaha Pacific Ogden Limited M. M M. M Chicago 8 30 A A. M M. Ogden Logan Boise Portland ortland Seattle M M. Butte also going P. P M M. Limited Omaha Chicago Los Angeles M Denver St St. 4 5 0 P. P M M. Overland I I ChICagO Chicago f Denver St. St Louis 1 11 1 55 A. A M. M J ft Ogden San Fr FrnciScO IJ Ogden Brigham Cache Valley Malad l and Intermediate 12 1210 lOP P. P M. M M. M I De i Ogden Denver Omaha Chicago going A. A M. M M San Francisco a and Butte also riving arriving O Ogden den Poc Pocatello Idaho Falls Ashton M M. Butte Twin Falls also arriving 8 15 A M M. Ogden Pocatello Idaho Falls Butte 10 1010 10 P P. M M. M. M Logan Wellsville V and also arriving M. M S. S O Ogden den Ely Sacramento San Francisco 7 40 P. P M. M Pacific Ogden Limited Sacramento P P. M M. M San Francisco M M. M Ogden Boise Falls Portland also going Seattle Twin 1 1020 0 20 A A. M M. I cit city Ticket Office H Hotel tel Utah Telephone Main 15 S. S I IA Q ELECTRiC ENGINe r I WAN WARMER I. I These Gold oId Nights Worry You Mr Motorist When the mercury drops down clown below the freezing freezing freez freez- ing mg point and Old King Frost is IS getting in his best licks about 4 o'clock in the morning you need not worry about the little old car out in inthe inthe 4 the garage that garage that is if you possess one of these splendid Automobile Electric Engine Warmers They're the simplest and moat most effective heating apparatuses apparatuses ap ap- ap youve you've seen and the amount of current the they consume i is scarcely noticeable The Thew warmer is very compact t and constructed as shown in inthe inthe the he illustration You simply screw the plug into a socket In in the garage and turn on the current put the warmer under the hood and let her run all night In If the morning not only has all danger of freezing been r nice and warm and ready eliminated but your engine is for for- fora a quick start t See the window display of these Automobile Electric Engine warmers at our electric shop in the Kearns building THE PRICE three PRICE three do dollars lars each UTAH POWER LeaHY COEfficient co Public Efficient Public Service rv I 5 Lt I ii 1 I I. I The Y Yellow e Claw Claw Claw- I Watch for it Vl fIE f JW M J l f S Inspect This t t-J- t Great Razor Improvement I i 2 DeVine is a razor investment nt i t saves shaving S cost It i saves blade lade expense se It- It pays pay a a pig big dividend dividend divi divi- 5 of cf f satisfaction There is always a real sha e y- y this hi real eal razor razor azor and there are no new blades to buy DeVine i is a a d double double- uble- uble edged time life-time blade Your son SOl iJ his s. s son should inherit t your DeVine x I You need not know how to strop or hone horie a r razor zor to use the DeVine caretaker Keeping DeVine DeVino up to the best st barber StanI standard standard stan stan- I dard takes no more time or skill than spreading a piece of bread S Ask these dealers to demonstrate DeVine and explain the superior points of this real razor made safe J J. J Druehl Frank Franken Miln n. n Wet Went Side Pharmacy SG 85 W West t iutin Pharmacy s SO 80 last ast it First e B cor coi 2nd South 2nd South Sooth W W. D D. Math Drug Co Drug Co ISO wet Tnt 2nd Lyon Brown Drug Dru Co South Slam ln It L South 0 KeIth OBrien Brien Co S I. I S. S Jensen iese en Sons SODS II n South Fr rr Tharas Pharmacy SM W. W cho choe BINGHAM M iti lU iL North Temple e r. r UTAH VV W. v H H. Dayton Drug Co C. 80 SO Lyon yon Drug Co Co Uth South Drug Drue Co Ea East 2nd South houth and State Slate Drui Co to Drug Draft tine Inc Drug Drue Co o. o i 78 18 W W. 2nd South Owl O Drug Drag Co So Main Molt BOUNTIFUL Drug Drus Co 8 a Van Dyke Davidson D I Drug Co Co liTAH r Bountiful BontiM tir Drug Co South Main I tt it Main n. n w w- cor coi South Coombs Drug Co Co 40 South Sixth SIX Avenue Pharmacy Utah Ind eid nd Stat it iti tl Sixth anUB Pharmacy S. S Granite Dru Drug Drue Co flu South Waterloo Pharmacy East MURRAY UTAH and 1115 ant Cist Eleventh South Lion Drug Co eo Send two-cent two stamp for oar ens DeLuxe Booklet which tells tell how bow to get real reI ng comfort DeVine Safety Razor Company Inc uth Dearborn St. St Chicago U U. S. S SA A. A 4 I 0 S S 'S M M'S vS v- v S 07 U U jr USE IT NOW YOUR NOW YOUR Thanksgiving CREDIT Dress Up Up Up-NORD'S NORD'S NORDS S 'S Is the Helping Hand That Makes It Easy Buy Now Pay Now Pay After Thanksgiving J t r pS Dress up the whole f family at NORDS NORD'S and let one convenient J account take care o of it NORDS NORD'S magnificent winter stocks care S 4 are no now at Tide High-Tide of Completeness No better time to buy them than now Never were styles more fascinating S Never Vere were NORDS NORD'S prices lower Never were NORDS NORD'S 1 f terms term more liberal Why wait Come Talk Come Talk it over over with 3 NORD ORD Saturday GREAT THANKSGIVING SALES BEGIN TOMORROW IN EVERY DEPARTMENT u NORD Rousing Thanksgiving Sale of The t. t t E S S U T S Worlds World's Livest Credit 1 0 C ATS Clothier Hundreds to select 1 f J A a from Every garment J jJ j p i. i has a real style punch tA full full of snap of-snap snap and go S. S b J And take And take it from J Store Open Saturday Saturday- O N-O R D D' D no other T Until 10 o'Clock SPECIAL PRICES g LON ON mens men's clothing store H Saturday Night MEN MENS MEN'S shows such values J s E Priced as low as 15 Thanksgiving Specials in Women's SHIRTS L- L etc PAY NORD AS YOU EARN iDI iP lu LI LIall 9 all on ITS N ORD'S Ii t fi u. u easY te MENS MEN'S HATS FREE FREEMen's FREEth Mens Men's S Pay as y Suits Saturday Y 1 get paid eA l. l 1 Thanksgiving Specials in dA 9 5 WOMEN'S NEW NEWEST T I I r a CO A TS for Women Sizes Sizes' Large M Men's Mens e en n s an and d Wo Women's W omen me ns n's S t Suits Including that portray the seasons season's latest SWE 1 ATE Ac r R I Including nc I U di ng sizes sizes f for or I large arge women ever and r most mOlt offered mOre advanced more stunning style hits styles styles more No more cash fasci fascinating store storo 4 U attractive priced Induce Induce- K variety varIety more more w I ments menta An added charm Is II NORDS NORD'S terms of C COA 0 A TS 8 U a. a 4 5 k I I L Pay As You Get Paid The Chin Chin Chin and other ether models Just I Thanksgiving Specials in arrived All style revelations classy classy S a 3 fa iii 5 o 0 striking sensationally correct new designs All trimming the In low upwards low every latest effects upwards fabric colorings that Priced from and Is I S S K I R T S Sin In the latest winter styles and col PAY NORD A LITTLE E EACH CH WEEK on ora Priced as low as the cash 2 4 5 i stores tores re You need one now now come c come r In Don't Dont wait al NORO d' d trusts you u II WE ViE GIVE CREDIT TO PEOPLE Wide flare hare and circular effects In great va- va o I EVERYWHERE WRITE FOR I of the seasons season's latest fabrics Novelty trimmed or plain tailored A most Inviting Thanksgiving of values values values-at at and up OUR D lT NEW 17 f A V A T selection special Special In tL CATALOG 5 Pay Nord a Week r BO y S We Make a Specialty of S I L SUI SUITS T S WOMEN'S SUITS S SI C COATS AND D i DRESSES I in Stouts and S Large Big line of stylish DIn ish and ser ler 35 S' S Sizes vice able suits fi of all f for boys or P Priced r I c ed a n d R No trouble to fit the hard M as ages agel s low as fl to fit at NORDS W. W T. T Opposite Auerbach s. s Up I r- r r i J |