Show JUDGE LANDIS IS A RIP FAN FANy y ei 0 t ys j f I 1 r t S a x c c 4 S I S vi r t S S 4 Sc s. s S r c 4 S 4 4 A p I II I s cV p 5 Judge Landis Land is snapped in the a rand arand grand stand Judge Mountain Landis may he be slow deciding legal lecal problems of baseball but ho he has no trouble decIdIng de- de on the merits met of at a pin play on the halt ball bal field The Tho man who fined Standard Standard Stan Stan- Standard dard Oil 01 and threatened to o put put Rockefeller off the field for Cor kicking Is on one of the moat most loyal baseball baseball base base- ball bal fans tans In Chicago Ho lie has lias not permitted the fact tact that he ic has under consideration the most Important case CV ever eve I heard In baseball baseball base hase- ball bal to prevent him from seeing games Barnes and anti neither side can claim prejudice since ho attends the games ames nt Rt th Sox Hox Cubs und Whales hales park as often oren as the weather permits permit Evidently Jud Judge e does docs not care whether ho decides the case or not but is giving the tho contestants plenty of at time to reach rech an agreement out of ot court court U It I i Is Js reported that the attorney ator- ator no nay ney for Cor or or organized organised baseball and ant the I Federal league have agreed to a a. a truce truc that will wl make It I unnecessary for Jud Judge e I Landis to decide the case and have requested a postponement of tho decision pending a settlement out of or court of ot all al problems problem involved The Tho picture shows the Judge rooting for tor or the Chicago Cubs Cubs' In a a 3 game against g. lu |