Show GERMANS DRIVEN FROM EXCHANGE LONDON LO-DOX May Ia 10 Between oo I and British members of the stock exchange have mobilized to prevent ent I forcibly If necessary al tho the entry of an any Germans who might be brave e enough to attempt to make their way Into the house In disregard of the warning 18 issued by bJ the stock exchange committee commit commit- tee In advising them to remain away awny Excitement ran high around the exchange ex exchange ex- ex change chango and a n huge hue crowd collected In Inthe Inthe Inthe the vicinity In the expectation of disorders dis dis- dis orders Only a handful of naturalized I Germans appeared In the neighborhood neighborhood neighborhood neighbor neighbor- hood however and they did not attempt attempt at- at tempt to enter the exchange ThC They were tied hustled away through mort morton on street and warned not to re re- re turn |