Show 4 r PU DATA WILL BE CO COLLECTED i I BY SCHOOL SURVEY 1 D. D H. H Christensen Issues Report Reasons for Survey and the theU I Explaining U If V. V i Results to Be Expected From It who board rd survey Y of th the sun K r r educational sun survey th in the i to mike of Salt Lake Lak Lake ure are 1 the public at this city cHr r In I- I Ito to arrive to the tho Hot Hotel 1 and wil III 10 O their they will make j tub ht it orter the thc under be r e FP Cubberly head of or Eo P. P t jion on of cf education of ot Lct nd of bt thOOl bOol i is to be asby as- as Hc He ll Lewis s b Prof by work hl bt In the theat professor of 71 a at Rt Leland Stan- Stan jool hOOl of education dUCAtI JWilliam Williams William prof J J- J JA A- A x lord and will have hilVe gen Jen- CubberlY or T the work and Pro Prof of M nl arge charge chAn e or of 1 the health wUI have of the surveY sune I in nd portion Williams will take takeI statistical or part of the re- re I are ure of tM the of high school work principal grade of grammar nd ind a later on to AS- AS nam named tork ork will be work ork In these two list In the men will te be outside cht I this work cured for ea educational survey the Y to schools which public Salt LM lAke schools tl ti of f the d in the Inaugurated 11 to bt be direction of under a few days of Leland Uland Stani Stan- Stan E. E P P. D. D II- II ILhas i t ferd rd Ur copieS of the has hall c n on state of the eW- eW I tripon the thc for and d tests and or orI I of idea IMa of this Is to I e TM The I of what I 1 its lb public an Is 15 and ho how the effi- effi fluney i r I of efficiency i judged lACk I or follo s 's reads as t 1 The committee on standards and andI It i The of the time a part ie f has hall spent I meet meet- three each of the at has hall held in considering It las i It I is of school surveys I the that t an any consideration of or Ii ui of standards or tests testa of efflo em- em must mut Involve som om treatment o 1 form of ot inquiry now so cornE comI com com- that of of advocated by the critics 11 f I E j pUo lie education who hope hOIe to base a af and economic reorganization of f I It Kir Rr school Chool systems upon a critical d L scientific examination of pre present ent I ce It Is the purpose e of this I. I rues W rIf f to present the find find- Jati of or the committee with reference J 1 the following 1 What h hII at nil II a ey eur 2 ShOU When e or under d l' l t conditions conditions should a fI survey v be betken en 3 By whom should abe a abe be made 4 4 What arts are th the tt to 0 he e employed I in n nl an effi- effi drat survey ur 5 t. t Under n I er what con- con reports of oC surveys bebr be limed 6 What at results may mar we w br fro from m school surveys eys 87 E Defined What Is a it Y A school choo be e defined as an inquiry public education which I I H ski Mid a to acquaint the public with all cOb educational agencies supported II Jh t 13 whole hole or in part b by public moneys mones I ith r respect to their organization adI ad- ad I J t supervision coat cost j h Hl- Hl j a ol equipment courses of stu study V t Inching hing staff methods of teaching h tnt bod body and results as mea meas- tM td the achievements of oC those i 1 p ho 00 are re b being trained or ha have vo been InN therein Such an Inquiry east Jt of necessity ne reach conclusions ia Is terms of ot the aim or purpose of education and ma may not fall fail to relate 1 achievement of the school to the sources of support now cd pr T r which may be made avail avail- 1 be f Ai A chool survey sur e IK is not to be con con- with a 0 school 1 Investigation li usage has hn given to the terra term a n more or less wis t us significance It suggests the asi as- as i of evidence c In proof of oC In- In of method or o of and negligence of Individuals or Institutions n lIt Its i is Ic upon fail fail- 1 lire fire re and nonperformance Conse- Conse I its attitude is primarily nt and Its alt attention nUon focused I iton K pon n af affairs of tho the past Moreover toreo jin ii Li Investigation In muni must work in je M of h hostility at the or best pan pan- ave resistance of ot those thone whoso I r t Lu are brought under scrutiny The rhe Theoa f oa on the other hand seeks kB to tie the school l s system stem as ns it actually lad and operates to In pass Poss com com- r-Itte r review b before fore tho the public While of f. f ft t taking account of the V. V d responsibilities Of als the ur cy Is concerned first of ot JI i I With Mn schools a as Institutions pg r a de definite public Purpose It Inthe In- In the the t degree of oper co-oper- U those on the thc Inside and t tse OM on th the Id of the school l This difference between the thc Bun e surrey and th the tho school In estl hUO Is more moro than a verbal erbal It i Involves a difference In Ln mo- mo v ft ut Predetermines both Imme- Imme te and ultimate gf hen e It l It II Needed I t Z When hen i or und under r what hat conditions a survey y bo he und In ral eral f In I the thc J lar larger er systems It Is r for r the superintendents superintendent's up office to re from rom the board h Ih of or education cary UI funds to lo maintain a u bu- bu heal letl orf or d department of ot special statis- statis I Information v and sp special tests te S r th the of the school schoot in m m ma mn may b be reviewed ed at nt all times VIa ay i which will add ald needed Im- Im dal data an and 1 conclusions to the j the observation atlon possible p M 0 r l 1 the tho usual organization orS that 11 exIsts In small systems and In lm t m on rn tu special occasions this thin wJ not bl be P PosSible Therefore other othern s must mufit b be adopted n When n an any ny special questions arise llIn IlIn for r expert rt knowledge which not be easily supplied b by the su- su for or B. B or school officials as aH example In the matter of or archi- archi Plans in the Ulc matt matter or of f ex- ex M re n In ot accounting ng system cases when new and elaborate CUrriculum are to bo be 1 d into the then or when n iH additions and amI ro- ro hit ShoUld art n tho the be ct let led lo to o r recognize the thc th that lt It is h Wise Vies tta Of to emptor employ the ser ser- the who can advise ad M B office anil anil the lh in U the When tien M the e c Hr maUt matters of 8 superintendent n nt or the thc lay th lf tl I t school administration base e ot of t the with r re regard artl to an any Ch 1 work should r tu to Jt employ the servIces ices of ot comp competent ent persons who wi can supplement supplement supplement supple supple- ment th thc regular r observation r atlon of or the schools and uld confirm or modify the thc recommendations that are arc un under er consideration con cen- Such persons constituting a n sunt survey committee should be he recognized h by the community as a S temporary temporary tempo tempo- extension of or the supervisory staff Haff o of tho the schools In n special cases casE'S cuch audi supplementary service can be bG re resorted to as a n means of deciding points which are arc un under fr dispute The Tho community and tho the educational profession proCession profession pro pro- Cession should reco recognize that consultation consultation consultation consul consul- tation IB is not a reflection upon the efficiency ef efficiency ef- ef of or the superintendent board of oC education or members o of the teaching staff but rather a recognition tion of ot the teaching prof profession slon as a large end nd complex group roup the members mem mem- hers bers c cf of which are capable of supplementing supple supple- each other even cn here where thero there Is 18 not absolute agreement on m methods thoda of ot procedure Faces Emergencies Temporary additions to the supervisory supervisory super super- isor staff in the thc fashion above de described described de- de scribed ar are aro Justified by th the fact that schools school are continually facing adminIstrative administrative admin admin- emergencies for tor which It Is not necessary to provide permanent addition to the staff Furthermore these temporary situations very ery frequently frequently fre tre- call for a broader view Ie than can be supplied I h by a single supervisory super stupor visor officer The teaching profession profs profs- sion slon Itself ne needs neels lf the thc kind of or opportunity nit nib which would ho bo furnished b by such uch surveys s to Enlar enlarge c its itA own views and to tT out many of or th the mento menta which are arc necessary ary in order to 1 the best adjustment within the tho complicated school situation I The superintendent vcr very cry frequently I newels needs the support of ot the thc general educational edu edu- profession to make a com community acm acm- om- om I clearly aware of needs which hr hp sees but which the community la is laslow laslow slow to recognize For example ho ho frequently nee needs Is more moro funds than he can eo easily obtain without the co coo cooperation cooperation co- co o operation of some outside advice Th The superintendent ought to bo ho able to lo call caU in such outside advice for tor tho the benefit of ot the community itself Finally Finall tl the e community ma may b be in doubt as Ri to the tho efficiency ncy of ot It its school officers When n criticism has once como become the thc fashion in a given community it Is very likely to undermine undermine undermine under under- mine the thc of the school system stern s 's tern tem and the superintendent should welcome a n SUr f survey which will VItI either cither give him th the support which he he- nf needs ds In iii dispelling the criticism or give the thc community the suggestions which It needs In order to remedy the situation 3 B By whom should a sur survey sury y be he made From the above discussion ion it will vili be seen that a survey can be most advantageously undertaken by bythe bythe bythe the school officers If It the citizens cithens wish to have haxe a sune survey mn made e thC they ought to be able to secure it through their lr regular representatives on the board hoard Groups of or citizens who cannot cannot can can- I not nut secure such auch action through the board should be provided with meanor means mean of or carrying out a survey and should feel fecI justified In adding temporarily to the supervisory staff a group of specialists competent to undertake c a thoroughgoing Inquiry Furthermore the superintendent ought to be In position at any time to call In Impartial Im- Im partial professional ad advisors In case CI he lie finds H school Interests seriously Jeopardized Whether the survey orl originates with the superintendent or orI I with the board boar or with an Interested group of or citizens Its purpose should be to protect and advance tho the In Interests Interests In- In of ot the children and youth of the community b by employing specialists special special- within or without the system com competent tent to study scientifically tho the school system and able b by virtue of their thelt experience as educators to propose propose pro pro- pose poc adequate and workable reforms Methods Discussed 4 What methods are to bo be o employed employed em em- In an efficient sune survey A school survey will naturally aim to todeal todeal todeal deal with th those phases of ot school or organization organization organization or- or which are arc capable of exact objective review Thus the tho financial management of the tho schools should hould be betaken betaken betaken taken up The physical equipment of ot the schools should be bo examined The attendance on schools Including the question of or enforcement or f the compulsory com com- attendance law can be definitely definitely determined The rate of or promotion promotion pro pro- motion within the thEl grade can bo ho definitely known Th The number o of children children children chil chil- dren In a given n classroom should be he ascertained the thEl provisions that arc are made for exceptional x children including including In ing defectives s the tho method of ot training trainIng train train- In Ing teachers their qualifications the method of their appointment and the method of eliminating inefficient teachers should be considered The salaries of teachers an and the rules ruleR governing go their tenure of or office tho the provisions pro that are arc made for tor the Improvement im improvement imn- imn provement of ot teachers during the period of their service the tion and functions function of the tho supervisory staff staf and tho the efficiency with which they carr carry out their work especially with reference to their conduct with the h classroom exercises the ef t nc of ot Instruction Including an examination of ot the course of ot studies th the methods of cla class claRIS 8 Instruction In Including Including In- In eluding the variations In these methods methods meth moth of ot class Instruction the variation In these methods which are to bo be ob observed observed ob- ob served lerv d In tho the different parts of ot the system stem and the m measurement nt of ot the achievements ments of pupils in tho the subjects commonly uJ t taught t all will be he subject ct to careful review re There Thre should at also so be hf made an nn examination of ot th the pro provisions provisions pro pro- visions which exist within the 8 system st m for recording such data a as aR are necessary necessary sar sary for fOl thc the proper stud study of ot educational problems to together with r recommendations commendations com com- concerning the use ue to be he made of ot these facts An Any school Inquiry should so eo faras faras far as is practicable observe measure and r report Ort the conditions of th the thc community's com corn political Industrial social and educational life lIff which favor or Interfere with the work ork of ot tho In f Investigators should dwell upon the achievements of ot th the school system especially noting th the direction In which it is mo moving Th The measure of ot the efficiency of or an any school or eISt sy- sy t tern tem m of schools must always alwAY be made In terms tenna of the tho changes de develop develop- lop lop- ments improvements or growths in inefficiency inefficiency efficiency which have tak taken n place under a given Riven administration or dUrIng dur dUr- ing log a given period of ot years cars Results Expected 5 Under what conditions should reports of ot surveys erS h b br An Any r report po concerning ng school conditions should be so 80 planned and arranged 03 as not to mislead educational officers or orthe orthe ortho the tho public concerning th the gene general and special methods of ot any Important features features fea tea tures of ot the work of the tho schools within Its scope cope for or example It if the scope of or the Inquiry includes Include tho the work of or the department of physical education and If It the physical I growth of pupils Is Ie below what should be expected while the moral and so social so- so cial dat atmosphere of the school playgrounds playgrounds play play- grounds rounds is hI admirable th the tho latter fact should be made mado as aM clear door a as the for tor- mer In general certain topics should bo ha chosen for measurement and re report re- re port and the tho result should b be re reported reported reported re- re ported In the case of each topic without without without with with- out selection for Cor purposes of the support support sup sup- port of any interest within without the school The report should be prepared a aa 38 a document Intended for tor the information tl ti tion n of th the school officers Tho The further fur fur- urther ur- ur ther thor u use e of the report should depend upon the agreement of these theBe school officers and the specialists who are employed b by th the board No Xo publicity should be bt given to the thc work of the survey during Its progress without the consent nt of both hoth parties Upon |