Show FRIEND OF THE PEOPLE I In the game of ot cribbage how hate would you ou count a band consisting of ot ono one jack one queen and three kings kings' Would that i bo be counted as three separate runs of three each plus tho the three kings or fifteen points or could it bo be counted as three I double runs of three or points SUBSCRIBER If Ir the tho Jack Is of ot the turned suit the hand counts count IS sixteen points Otherwise count as triple run of ot three nine and three pairs six six fifteen FRIEND OF PEOPLE PEOPLE- During your campaign against tho the loan sharks some sometime time ago you mentioned mentioned men men- a new company being formed In t the tho e loan lonn business 8 to fight them with lower Interest Can you ou give mo me the name and also the tho names of or tho the officials of or this company SUBSCRIBER We Wo do not advertise any business In InthIs Inthis inthis this column but If It you yott OU will call at this office tho the Information will ill bo be given shen to you personally FRIEND OF PEOPLE Please Inform me what amount of ot ce cement cement ce- ce ment mont would be bo required to build a tank or cistern to hold gallons of or water and what proportion of ot 6 sand nd to be u used d. d SUBSCRIBER In view of or lack of details it Is Impo l- l ble to say Would advise lse you OU to confer conter with some come architect t or contractor FRIEND OF PEOPLE |