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Show 40-hour week and an 8 per cent an hour wage boost. The railroads rail-roads agreed. The switchmen, however, want pay for a 48-hour week while working 40 hours The switchmen, by their arbitrary arbi-trary ..ction in derailing the nation's na-tion's transportation industry, are creating support for Senator Bunnell's bill to outlaw strikes and lockouts in the railroad industry. in-dustry. Should it come about, strikes like that called by the switchmen will be responsible." BEREA, OHIO, ENTERPRISE: "Even the best spenders at Washington are a bit scared and are resorting to schemes to deceive de-ceive the taxpayers. A couple of their best are to include in budgets bud-gets authorizations for things to be done, with no appropriations for them. The money will come later after the expenses are contracted con-tracted for. Another is authorizing authoriz-ing of pretentious schemes for small amounts, with consequential consequen-tial big appropriations coming up in subsequent budgets." THE COUNTRY PRESS SAYS NEW ALBANY, IND., TRIBUNE: TRIB-UNE: "There are already indications indi-cations that we are to repeat our actions of World War II when we made runs on the .stores and shops for items which we were afraid would soon be short in supply and by our own actions brought on the very things we were afraid of." I LEWISTON, PA., SENTINEL: "The Federal government will ! never be able to economize so long as every congressman is judged by his ability to 'bring home the bacon.' " CORVALLIS, ORE., GAZETTE: GAZET-TE: "Oscar Ewing, one of the prime administration advocates of socialized medicine, says that the number of people in the United Uni-ted States over 65 years of age has increased from 3,080,400 in 1900 U 11,270,000 at the present time. It is hard to belive all this is possible without the benefit of Oscar's socialized planning." WILMINGTON, CALIF., Press-Journal: Press-Journal: "The presidential Fact-Finding Fact-Finding board recommended a |