Show DEMPSEY LAVISHLY FETED WHERE TWO TO YEARS AGO HE WAS AS AN AM PUG Utah Boy Triumphantly Returns Returns Re- Re turns to Same Old N N. Y That Gave Him Cold r Shoulder 2 Y Years cars Ago By Otto Floto Fiola I KANSAS CITY Pcb Feb In J perusing the sport pages of I i the New York papers for the I past week there is forced upon lS a kaleidoscopic procession of i vents which have crowded themi them them- i s into the short space of a little ittle over a years year's time i unbelievable We Ve have carefully ab absorbed the columns and and colu columns col- col u ns which have been written regarding the coming bout for forthe forthe I the heavyweight title and are forced to fold the conclusion to our our bosom that lifes life's different phases are sometimes tinged with t the e fringe of irony The New York World for Instance has a lin linn across the top of its page reading An Eventful Day for Jack I Dempsey Indeed was the week with stirring incidents for the I young Utah champion Then there was a cartoon of another string of Incidents In- In in-I in and when we had gleaned it I carefully a picture came to our mind of Dempsey's first visit to New York I oh h. h how different were things then as compared with the present I On that occasion of only two years back Jack Dempsey went to New York I unheralded and unsung By fortunes fortune's I turn of the wheel he got the opportunity opportunity to meet Battling Johnson then I one of the real tough birds of the fight game Dempsey young as he 1 was plastered him hini for fair John was the only one to see possibilities possibilities in the youngster and signed I him to a contract But John In his fondest dreams never had an idea of the greatness his prospect was to ob- ob tam tain Had ole John the Barber ever dreamed a worlds world's champion heavyweight heavy heavy- I V weight was within his grasp he would have nursed and babied this youngster young young- ster instead of treating him shabbily I in money matters and forcing Dempsey Dempsey Demp- Demp sey to leave New York penniless to I beat his way back West Vest as best he heV I V could Game to the core Dempsey V tackled the job by riding freight trains I and hiking over the roads until his feet were were s sore re with bruise and blister Then presto Jack Dempsey returns returns re- re turns to New York the logical contender contender con con- tender for the worlds world's highest honors in domain He is received and ushered into one of the gorgeous ballrooms of a leading Broadway ho- ho tel He is catered to he is bowed to he is the central figure of the gathering gathering gather gather- ing which assembled to see him conclude eon con elude clude the final arrangements for the big match A great string of automobiles drive from the Broadway hotel toward Hoboken Ho- Ho boken N. N J. J and Dempsey with Tex V Rickard and his manager are in the V van of the cortege of celebrities All eyes are focused on him he Is the V shaft around whicH the incidents re- re volve He Is practically handed 30 V to place his John Hancock on a aV V set set of articles of agreement When V V this is finished all hasten back to New NewYork V York City and the train of sporting scribes still in the wake of events j 4 make it hard work for two Dempsey V V V y ars ago the unnoticed the dominant figure of the prize ring today today-to es- es V V V cape ape from the persistent bombard bombard- ent of questions they fire at t him 0 |