Show THE SHIPMENT ARRIVED TUDA Y First Shipment of Cyanides from Daisy Mill Addition GRAN CO of lilt tn bo Sull C I III In r first lot ot prod ot from the new mill at the DailY of Dip at the rooms ot the City Smeller rho Is pr bl than at previous ship mont hen tho ne wal not In Ills than I hilt II In Um III moro than up In It Is known some shipments hao shown n Great dool ot metallic contents and were rather p pent ent whIch 11 run Is much and Is al better an hillS ar Cor some time It Is thought the haB dono lis the In the mill been the rho II conten leu while tho bUlk II IIO verY creat the arc be I bo r The nl mill aboul I SIlO n liar of which Is b Ing rom the o the through which the oot 01 chute ext rhe II VP t b Jut tho II UIt until lUll cheaper o lire the nit Is needed In the Uon i tho mine mill In ardor to It a pro What mn prow to be n InOC In right dl was oer II aro n the In UIO It the Gate was resorted h This 1011 the O ot timber Ing aa when the ore rom n Slope It to toco co In It II alao stated from I Ito to Iii lar mn are employed In the mine mill with those a It the II not more pia even this a shut down will most likely |