Show NEW NEN PROSPECT OF V HORROR Arming of Savages to Attack Whites in South Africa ACT OF TILE VEST FOLLY Il e of o alu tU u Early DIspatches London Feb Morning Lead Leader er says It was va no vain re report ort which told us ue ot of a strong Door Doer column olumn In Zululand It has been strong strOll enough to drive drle back Cot Col column which has bc been n working up from the Title This place Is unpleasantly close cloae to the sell sea und it If th the Doers Boers should get there the they Would practically have n a port not nota a bit big one hut but stlla still a port V Even at Camp the are aro keeping Gen Oen Duller ipen Itol lIvely The stat ot of Mr Ir and Mr In the house hous of at corn oom regarding the arming ot of the tho ira thu open U up u a new lIew prospect t of oC horror In this calamitous war however great the OIl WI we should regard arm lag the uncivilized Naf ar Ir tirs aa a an set at or of the gravest tolly To put a tn in the hands of a 11 ta Is Isto to 10 hIm to 0 commit atrocities lie has no other conception of warfare Mr Ir the government leader Inder dealing with the subject ot of anning the ulua and the possibility ot of employing ln Indian troops troop In parliament c afternoon said his hla to th hi effect that the hot employ h 11 be war was as d on en lie tho bene that by bv corn com common cornmon mon consent the war would lie be con COil fined to the two European races add lag Ing It If the Doers adoPt a course In Inconsistent inconsistent consistent with that Idea wo we hold our ours ourselves s selves Il ret to 10 reconsider our d decision Mr Ir announcement reo cc I garding the natives althou although h morel merely Rn nn incIdent or of yesterdays session of the house houlle of commons Is much die ilia CuRSed T I OConnor thus the scene Chamberlains cold collI pene tones with lIh a terrible emphasis underlying an bed manner sounded through the silence like Ilk a note ot of down doorn Everybody sew what It meAnt hut but nobody spoke Everybody All Its terror and ferocity Everybody felt that It marked I a deeper and Ind macre Inore terrible rise rIM or of passion than an any yet ot reached In this war warThe warThe The newspapers while not denying the tho possible for tor th the decision regard It with misgiving The Tho Times I I says In Iii the described b by Mr Chamberlain this decision Is anti and inevitable Tue Tho Standard says It Is a hint which I not to be cans kited practice There are rl reasons many man and rr 0 why we should not add acid to the of at South Africa the misfortunes of hostilities bet between the dominant and subject populations The fleece Doers will lo do well to take the warning to heart Th The DaIly Chronicle MY We trust the government will pause before tusk take lag Ing th dangerous step ot of arms Int into the hands band ot of the If we Arm acre one tribe the Boors noera will arm another and we shell hI have the horrors or of savage warfare South Africa n a hell holl upon earth The Dally Daily News says SIlS We are not net prepared to JIll say that under no stances should Uth auch 1 a step be taken but It ouid he be 1 a deplorable calamity The DaIly Mail save From eor every point or of II tra oPol th the permanent ell being of M we have all it 0 11 by the blacks to battle F For r ever t native worn on the Man can 11 to their Ille ekie we se can ell t twenty It t them m tn t 1111 a game thu raise is A monster be their power to lo control |