Show CL hOUSE REPORT Feb reb IC 16 1000 Toda clearings Same Samo day In last It year I ORE AND DUILlO HE PO 8 CO COMingo I lIngo Mingo Sliver and lead ores ore I 0 Headache I often a warning that the Ibo liTer hiyer II or Moro serious troubles trouble may follow tollow For Jor a t rodent ore cit If 1 and All liver trou troubles take Hoods Pills While they rouse the liver lifer restore fail regular action or of the tho bowels they do not gripe er pain do not irrItate or Intern or organ II bat baTe a posit positive lYe tonic at all druggIsts or by snail null or of 0 J co fw I t C It If the render reader of this should chance hanco to know of at anyone any one who is III subject to at attacks tacks ot of he can do 10 hIm no greater grenter favor timan to tell him ot of Cham Colic Cholera arid and Diarrhoea it gIves prompt relief I I Tucum t CULl COLD IS OU oi PAY UA Take Laxative Dromo Quinine Tablets All Mi druggists refund the money It If It fails to cure Ii E W Groves II signature I II on 00 each box 2 1 Best Delt Italian a at Abernathys I u MAN AND WIFE Sea Iee u rill Chao Change To sweeten sour Bour human nature one of time the best methods method Is III to leave ort off coffee cartee If It gives ghe you dy dyspepsia p or makes make you ou nervous hI I asked husband this mornIng to write out a testimonial for tor the Cereal C Co nd from It I quote I nm am to be able to tate state that my wife haA mas b hin m cuto I of sick headaches find general cussedness b by leaving off orf cor coC corfee fee tte and using your our Food Fod Coffee Cartee My I home Is now 1 a happy happ one I 1 cia to admit his hili joke con tome more than a modicum of truth for or orI I 1 timid now nol I 1 have complete control ot of 10 my nerves while formerly I was as often orten irritable and himself has been bren enU cured of f In by leaving ort off coffee colte and taking up lie Ho sleeps now like a baby train the time hf he goes goOl to bed until morning and per ler hips haJJI hi his Improvement Is IR partly a rca rea son for tor lila his seeIng such an Improvement In me At an any rate our old sickness and troubles have dl I 1 lied had tried everything for tor my lick but all as long III as I stuck to the time the headaches s stuck to me It took us UI n a little while to learn that we must follow tollow time the directIons In making In order to obtain a really p delicious beverage People get over oser the idea that they can make It In any kind ot of a slipshod way n and have hav It good food The great ele element In making good Is to allow allo It plenty of time to boll That Is certainly sImple enough and when the Iho cook be becomes comes accustomed to makIng emma can dt depend nd upon a regular eer every morning I know knew who seem Icem to be able to drink coffee rr with no bill bad effects and andon andon on the other hand I know that ot of all my friends are more or less hils unpleasantly with rot fee when they persIst In ising It but has obtained n a strong hold since Its qualities have hae become knon ant and n a great many of oC our friends friend Are steady users ot of In place pIneo ot of tilt itt ordinary coffee and you ou may be sure lure ever family that has hall used tar for even one month will be ready to testify to the improvement In It you should hould pUblish this letter leiter suppress my name III as I have a horror of at undue notoriety It If tiny ont one wll sili take the trouble tremble to write you OU for tor formy torm m my name and Ind address I will wll cheerfully answer anmer any questions II that may be and furnish satisfactory evidence to substantiate my statements statement ne U Mrs liTtle hyde Park London ca 4 1 1 t f A Popular Price I IFor For n mans man shoe has hal been t placed by universal consent nt at Wo We dont depend on other people to build our shoes hoes We build them In our own fact fec tory so wo we know built tight right Wo We watch every little 4 point hence we know when they t t ro go to 10 ro you the tho h best that hol holf t f can be built for tor the money Wo We Wot WeI bull 1 shoes f for the b boy y too toot t I t ROBINSON BROS CO 1 f SHOE BUILDERS Male Mal S Si 1 t LIST OF LETTERS uncalled for tor nt at time the post Salt Lake City Utah Feb 1 l OO To Jo obtain th letters the a ap applicant must call for tor Advertised Let tars and give the date dato of the list lilt I Inot It not called for within two to weeks they the I will be s nt to th the Dead Loiter Letter LIST Auselmo Prank Fronk M 11 II 11 Armstrong L M I Oeo aeo David L Morten en U II J t Anderson I Moore Joseph John Miser lIe r Blackman Geo D Cuss Ouss S It North Mr Ir Drown Brown II 11 J It Nolan A U G A M Olson II M 0 C A L Douton Bouton C W ONeill Patrick Burnham C W V Chas U 0 W Vt Payton Frank tt M E I Dr Pelt Pett A n 1 Carden Po F J 1 PIts J F C I Coruth Caruth Pasquale II 11 A A t llama JJ Chamberlin J F hose Hoss Henry Cormey ConleY Bert HettI William Calvin Caln A E lived Heed T H 11 Dolce 31 r J S 11 J A AUy Atty Daly Isaac S Howles 1 W Daily Price Illco Henry Henryle le org C W Vt Stayner T I J 1 lames Sutherland Peter leter J 1 M 1 S B Canal Co Cc Evo Shary M 11 A AJo Jo Wm Shaw J 1 Mr I Le La lw l Sheets Oto P U Q Q t Fox ICY W C E B El l Freeman Tho Thea Smyth J C Groves S J 0 Sellers D K D B DOro Oro Groy Schultz J 3 C F Ii 11 Mr Ir hogan II D 31 11 ne ler Simpson S Z 1 Zand and wife Sherman Chas henry William Tailor II H D Hud on Otto 31 t Taylor George howard I Tanner I ha A HarRis Willie Temple Templo T I Haslam Tucker L D 13 Ed S N II P PUa Ua flay Ge I Tinch J W hail A Cha Chas Jennings Todd lodd John T Judd S J t 1 D 13 C Jensen atter Viard VIllard Augusta Johnson tul Wieman Wiseman Charles LewIs Elmer It 11 S B M I D 13 Lwis Lindsay Crank ronk Wison Ilson Joseph I It ln lt Willis J Mulo IT Louis I Mood C A Wide WhOa J 1 1 H Moyer A M t Wright Oeo Mowery piH C Winter T A 1 Abe Wright S J U 0 1 If Young J 1 D 13 Young J P LADIES LIST F i E B Mimi Ir J tr 1 II S Mrs r n B A Sophi 3 Mrs 1 her Meta Met A L LBrown Drown Brown Lulu Luiu W V McAllister J 1 Mrs Ir 2 N Morgan Made nde Mrs Ir Campbell Mrs Mrs In Noel Agnes m Dd Cha Mr W V Thir ThIrd So May Mrs Irs Olsen Hannah S J C Mrs Phelps ln Chase base Kate Katie Miss Mis Pratt Downs Genevine Perkins Anna Anno Eastman Bastman I 1 1 II Mrs Richards J 3 EdIson Jay Fey PrIce JennIe Murea no Rogers e Alice AI e D B Flynn FInn Myrtle MUe 5 33 2nd St at Green MN Mrs Robinson Kate C Mrs Mra MI Mrs Green Orten M C Mrs Irs Lenn Lena Mrs tn IU GeorgIa Georgie C Clara Clarn 1 Anna Mrs Ir Sh E B Hendrickson P Simpson Maggie Hayden Harden Steila MIss 18 Aha J lien UbIe le Miss Mill Sliver Eln Bum Mrs Mr Haril HarrIs P J L Mrs Mra Smith Sarah Mrs Ir WE W B Mrs It Realy nl Hansen Emele Emetic Sadler Selma M I harris Corinne S W T TI Thardy I hardy lard C n B Mr Mrs Simpson Io Hogensen cen A Edna A U II W V Taylor Anna Tempts street Mm In Hansen Annie Miss nie Johnson Margaret Woodruff lt hi A Johnon Annie Mrs Ir 21 2 WIlliams C A Long Mr Mrs Mrs Ir Ash MaIlo L Lj Lynn J 1 I II DIxon Tile Tulle Marjorie and Edwin Hooper Mene Wi hIi EBoyd E DoI Boyd Fredrick Chule Charles Master care of Wood Kate C U n Dod Boyd Wilson Prank Frank landers Sanden II Ut M MA A L L TIO THOMAS IAB Postmaster IRO ATI ti Coun County Clerk orth or the Respect lye In Sl Signers Information for tor Furher Further OTIC I a the District iii 10 I nod d tot for Silt Lak r State of Utah 10 a tb the the of 01 Albert Fetter Fetterson 11 son d de deceased e ot 01 Ia ItU non id or of the estate ot of Albrt Albert a on n prayIng for tor the of folt ot of I sId d and nd for fore e Of the said eatable h baa b for 00 the 3rd da day of A I I Ito 10 to lt at 0 Clock I A m en n at to the CU 1 Corel on tn In the Ibo ourt urt Im Room of said uld Corel to tD tout ut Lake City Stall Al Lk Lake Count Vein Curt Wit DO the of uld Onn sub lb the s seal alIN this day dar of Feh A P D I IAL itce eat AL VAi VA II m 0 Clerk 0 Dr By J Deputy I ichards Fer Ferry Alters eye o t k k I r nt f wA f d Your Upholstered Furniture and let us needs reupholstering We have a splendid stock ol of new goods for 3 covering same workmen of exper experience 1 Jence who wi will make your old ruml furni lure ture look like new Bring it if along te the spring rush comes Cal CaI s and tell us what you want and w we wil wilbe will 1 lIe be pleased to give you estimates 8 Our price are very reasonable it t DIN a FURNITURE CO 0 STOCKS AND BONDS Utah trub flank and tal Stocks ad aed high grade Ind 8 Ild 01 paying IDI Iob stocks and d 1 sold or trustees or of estates and aDd capitalists wm will rele receIve the ts best of at aUt altea tion JOHN JOU V Jut JIL TeL In M 0 Maln ZIONS SAVINGS BANK DA AND TRUST COMPy 13 f 5 MI MaIn SL Salt take City Lu lh ls DEPOSITS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS paid quarterly nl 4 tOJ e num on I 1 or Yi S O II 1 A H 8 YOUNG CashIer 1 14 B 8 ILIS President MOSES lt U S DEPOSITORY mH Mm l DM LI LAKE CIT CITY CAPITAL SS I sun SURPLUS PLUS Sa t for flirt I K 7 I f f mU HW D m W W niter liter 1018 Moses T Thatcher Vice Ice rr tn Ellas A SnUb Jame James Sham John It It J Mn T David F Erles A W V C Oer George e H mn Jhn It hIde L H I Perr Perry R E I It r W F Jau Jaae I Four ier cent Interest w vail on satin BROS if lo iE He IT ITY l tiA A flanking DEPOSIT BOX fO am McCORNICK COMP COMPY COMPUs Us SAL T LAx LAn CITY UTAh The State Ban Bank of Utah SALT LAJ CITY J 1 r lEDER WI It It 1 WEI a S BURtON Heber J Grant Orant Hebe IL Will tJ olph r P Smith Ott Or Orha ha hu S B Burton Burlon r P T Wm Xi n Preston Isaac huc Da DaA Dan Dant t A W v Carll Carlie CommercIal In al all 11 its Dun ACCOUNTS me 10 tn attention riven WELLS f FARGO S OAN SAlT SALT lAtE CITY UTAH 1352 I Orn J a E DOOlY CzAr C t 1 r JONES J I CO I m South Main StreeL H l Ml O l f r ll u IY Frak rank Knox t Oco Gea A tows w El W 5 I rH flanking ANTAr In JAI alt its bunches breaths tau 1 al II on 00 the Ibl 1 clie r 01 laborer all 1 M U m l tl rAW PAIl I IN 1 O General flankIng Ii hr Al All II Its tID ner 1 A lily I J 3 SalIsbury c Eel 0 r botn u Wh 11 oLI oIA orn A 5 01 A r F B H 2 AIN S OPPOSITE COO t Tl Tug OLDE OLDEST AD AND R G DUN CO TilE IE OS a Utah Idaho inS ad Uth In Sill Cil Oleia Oel SLi Lb St Sl Sty I Is the y llUC cl Q oil 1134 ol A re ali 1 14 I or SI t DI c II of 1 septic rho ei bU I do t paUll to II It O un e ren 1 C tu or aD ork tsI It 00 0 10 for tor it ald An k for 1 I I |