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Show State and Local Obituaries can t the family home Wadar ev nine and Tbunday awralas jwul uate for aervlcaf. NlchoUy M. N.Uon OODEN Ntrtoi--y Mathias Nelson. KO, dterj Monday In fell fcomt. IT Cfllr iret. following mm iUutm C MveraJ monthi. H wm bora July It, 1 AIM, trf Norway. aon of Hatia C. and Riatan Ntlaoa. and cama to America k 1SS3 u as U D. M. con v art. Ha married Ollva Olatm May 1 1. IftAM. In ORdan. For 35 yaara ba waa mploTwd by the) Danvar at Rto Grande Western railroad and waa ratlrad to 19J9. funeral aervicca will bt conducted Wad-needay Wad-needay it 3 p. a. In U D. R. Tenth ward chapel by Biahoo Arthur O. Pledger. Burial will ba in Oaden city cemetery, undar U rocUoa of eUndqulat Sona mortuary. Thorn. Doxy OODKrf Tnomea Dosey, Tl, pkmaer brick -on alter, railroad and elvte worker, died Monday at hie bom. 1U Doaey atraat, alter a lengthy lllneaa. Ha waa born April 11. H. hi Ogden, a on of Thomas and Ann Kliiabeth Hunt Doiey, early Utah ploneara. Early In hie career be engaged fn brick manufacturing hi Butte and Great Fall. Moot. In 1SH0 be returned to Ogden. where ba waa affiliated af-filiated with Calvert A Leek company a a brick-maker. He aleo worked aa witch-man witch-man of Ogden Union Railroad and Depot company, and for the paat 20 yaars waa employed by Ogden city. Ha married Beiile WaUoa Dose? bare an April 30. 1H90. Surviving beeldce bit widow an: Sna. Tbomu Btrl aad Frank IKiiey of Oadan, Lawrauca W. aitd Roy Doxey of Bait Lake City; 10 grandchlldrea and eight brothers and alst era. Marvin H.. Dr. George R. and John Doxey. Mra. Ellen Stewart, Mrs. A'lr. Hilt and Mrs. Butte Ranaon of Ogden. Mrs. Wallace Fife of Lawiston. Id aba, and Mra Clarence Williams of Kamaa. . . Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday Wed-nesday at 3 p. m. la tha Ogden U D. tfecoiid ward chapel by Bishop Frank C. Btmmona, with burial in Ogden city cemetery, ceme-tery, directed by Llndqulst 4 Boos mortuary. mor-tuary. Friends may call at the family borne Tuesday afternoon and evening aad Wednaadajr until time lor sarvtcaa, Anntttt D Jrty Guilbefr OODKN Funeral servlrea for Mrs. Annette An-nette de Jersey Gullbert. TB. who died Bun day In Provo, will be conducted Wednesday Wednes-day at t p. m. in the chapel of Klrkendall-Dartlng Klrkendall-Dartlng mortuary by Rev. John Edward Carver of First Presbyterian church. Minnie GoodttI Adam LOO AN Funeral aarvtcas for Mrs. Minnie Min-nie Ooodaell Adams, who died Ba turd ay, will ba conducted Wednesday In the Logan L. D. B. Fifth ward chapel, with burial in the Logan cemetery, directed bv Uod qulsl at Boos mortuary. Edwin H. HufsinpilUr OODKN Funaral aervlees for Edwin Ropklna Hutslu pillar. 7B. Ogden fire In-aurance In-aurance man. will be conducted Thursday at 10:30 a. m. In the First Methodlat church by the Rev. Walter I. Frtoch, Hut sin pillar dted Monday mom'ng of complications reaultiug from a fail a'out a year ago. A native of Bloom Ingl on. Ind., ha was born October 30. l(60, a son of Mr. and Mrs. William Huteiiipillar. He had lived In Ogden aloce 1018 and bad been associated asso-ciated with the American. Packing and Provision company, Ogden Rapid Transit company and the Washington market. He was a life-long member rf the Method 1st church and was a memnar of the Osceola. Iowa, lodge, L O. O. W. Surviving are hie widow; a son. Louis J, Hutalnpniar of Ban Francslco. Cat., and a sister, Mrs, Lucy JUerulf of Fort Wayne, Ind. Internes, will be ks the Mountain View semalsry. Jnni DLng Mrs. Jennie DeLang. B2. wife of Cornelius Cor-nelius De Lance, 246 North Becond West street, died Monday night In a Salt Lake boapttal. Funeral arrsngemanta wiU ba announced by the Olsen mortuary. Thomas Benton Cernahan Funeral services for Thomas Benoa Camahan, 83. of S13 Third avenue, former for-mer leading political figure In southwestern southwest-ern Wyoming, were conducted Tuesday afternoon In the Ricketta-Allcott mortuary by the Rev. W. 8. J. Bleakley. pastor of (he Liberty Park Methodist church. Mr. Camahan. who had lived in Salt Lake City 22 years aloce his retirement, dted Sunday In a Bait Lake hospital of causes Incident to age. lulermeul mas In City cametery. George Hod son George Hod eon. 80. of 2033 South State atreet. died Monday In a Bait Lake hospital : si causes Incident to age. He was born May 1. 1858. tn Ate he son county. Kansas, and waa a carpenter bars ant 11 hie retirement several years ago. Funeral service will be conducted on Wednesdsy at 3 p. m. In the Rlcketts-Allcott Rlcketts-Allcott mortuary. 344 East First Hmith street, by the Rev. Raymond C Walker. Cstor of the First Methodist churcb. lament la-ment will be In City eemstery. Emily B. Chrtitie Herr j Mrs. Em If Blonds Christie Hair. 82. 1 of H20 Third avenue, widow of Lawrence F. Harr. former United States army officer who was stationed at Fort Douglas, died st her home Tuesdsy at 8:30 a. m. of a cersbral jMBsorrbagn. She waa stricken Sunday. Born In Norway, Mrs. Harr cams la Sstt Lake City when a young girl and resided bere the remainder of her life. Survivors include two daughters. Mra. K. D. hi cC I eery of Jerome, Idaho, and Mrs. J. C. Kchlln of El Paso. Texas, and two grandchildren. Robert Erhlln of El Paso and Betty McCleery of Jerome. funeral aervires, to be announced by Auttorest mortuary, await the arrival sf Mrs, Jtchllu. Law J. Boyer Lew J. Boyer. 45. former Utah school teacher. Insurance salesman and bookbinder, book-binder, died at bis home In Elisabeth N. J., Saturday, after sn sppendectomy. accord- ! tng to word received la Salt Lake City Monday. He was bom In Sprlngvllle April 30, 194. a son of Prsncie C. snd Collsta Ann Perry Boyer. He taucht school In Uintah county, where he married Oral Flat char. They were later divorced. Mr. Boyer waa a representative of the New York Life Insurance company m Cache county and In Pasadena, Cal., before moving to Elisabeth m 19.10, when he married mar-ried Ruth Srbmeling Hopwood- Besides his widow snd his former wife, be la survived by two sons by his first msrrtsge, Bryce Boyer. a student at La-laud La-laud Stanford university, Palo Alto, Cal.. and Franc ia William Boyer, a student at the University of California at Berkeley; three slaters, Mrs. Joseph A. Anderson. Mra Frank Salisbury and De Angus Boyer of Salt Lake City; two brothers. John E. Boyer of Oakland. Cal. and Charts Boyer of Bpringvllle. Funeral services and burial will be con-due con-due lad at Ellsabsth. Winona Blanch a rd Winona Blanc hard. 81. died In B Sag Lake hospital Sunday, after several years' Illness. She wss bora January a 9. lS&S, at Winona. Minn. Graveside services will be conducted Tuesday at 4 :3uP- m. In Mt. Olivet cemetery ceme-tery by the Rev. Theodore O. Lilley. Friends may call at 38 Eaat Sevenlb South atrast until time for ssrvicsa. Calvin Cragun PROVO Calvin Cragun. TT, chief chrrtr for the Utah Fuel company for many years, died Hun day eve nine at bis borne, 70 East Second South street, following several mouths' 111 ties, of heart trouble. Ha was bora May 15, 1862, at Mill Creek, a son of Thomas C. and Amelia Chambers Cragun. He attended school tn Bmithfleld and was graduated from lb Logan Brtgham Toung college In 1871. Following graduation, he worked for the union Pacific railroad as operator at Logan. Lo-gan. From IBM to 1903 he worked for the Union Pacific and Denver A, Rio Grande Western Railroad com pan lee. serving serv-ing for eight years In Provo as operator for ths Denver a Rio Grande. He married mar-ried Martha Stubb on June 12, 1801. la th Salt Lske L. D. 8. temple. In 1903 he became chief clerk for tha Utah Fuel company, and was sasortsred wlih them 22 years, living at Clear Creek. He resigned m 1925 and moved to Provo. He served as counselor to Bishop Walter P. Whitehead of Provo U D. S. Firs ward antll bts health failed. Funeral servtcas will b con dueled Wednesday Wed-nesday at 1:30 p. m, hi the Provo L. D. S. First ward chapel, under ths direction of Bishop Whitehead. Burial will ba to Provo city burial park. Joseph W. Peterson SMfTHFIKJ.IX Joseph William Peterson. Peter-son. 82. Bmithfleld. city recorder, part owner of th Bmithfleld Bentlnel and brother of Professor Par'ey K. Peterson, faculty member of IT tab mate Agricultural coUegs. dted Monday la a Logan hospital of a heart attack following a major operation. oper-ation. . Hs waa born m Logan on February 8, 187T. a son of John August and Metta Mart Hansen Peterson. Hs came to Smith field when a child. After grtuluattng from Brtgham Tootg eotteg tat Logan, h taught school In Cove. Coil eg. Wast Lew-Iston. Lew-Iston. Bmithfleld and Logan. He was elected city recorder tn 1811. serving on term. He was stricken with a spinal ailment hi 1919. the same year hs waa again elected city recorder. He served for 18 eoiisecvtlvs terms In this off tea, and at the Urn of bis death bad bn nominated1 for another term. Mr. Peterson had served as clerk fa both th Bmithfleld First and Second L. D. B. wards and was head of the Second Sec-ond ward 0taorvcai society. He was interested k real estate and fnauranc bere iince 1911. aa well as serving as saemary of rm gallon com pant and th local farm bureau. Be was ma mad la the Loaan L. D. SL tamps Septeiasssr 2. 1903. la Laura Cordelia Cor-delia MemU. Surviving, be el den hts widow, are stx ! Sena and daughter. Merrill Leroy. Marks, Joan and Ferris Joseph Peterson snd Mrs. N. Pratt Smith of Bmithfleld. Mrs. Ivtn O. Derrick of San Franciaca. Cal.: six brother nd sisters. John H and Vtolet A. Peterson, Mr. Mary A. Hals snd Mrs. MIIIM E. Weeks of SmMhfleld. Parlev EL Peterson af Logan aad Mrs. Eda L. Potty af Provo. Funeral ssrvtc wfU b rondot-ted Thursday at 1 a bl In th Bmithfleld L. D 8 tabsrraackt. with burial In th mbftid cemetery directed bv LtdTmst 4 Son gaactuaiy it Lot. Itttaa Stay i |