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Show I have you aniwtr my qutitioni for m: - - - . 1 l.WiTryou p.eaia fliv mo I It at of books that I may got at the I public library, suitable for a girl of 15 yoara old? 2. What would you advioo to war for boat ohooa or slippers? 1 Thanking you vory much for your trouble. BILLY. The following book will be found very Interesting. nt. rtuitiing and educational, edu-cational, hiiiI may be had at the public lihrurv when l he influenza ban ia 'lifted: " A llwv uf litanx Itihhon." by Rtrr; "J.oitia Ito-ihe." b HLti-ktr.nl; "" I ;t t x" - ( " " 1 i "V-- i ..a--M.l, iirlhuiuf," by I ,h i' urn , "la-vey .Mary." , bv Rice; Hi-n It nr." b Wnllace. and ".Mill n the Hwn." by Kllintt. In winter ii i" In-ttir to confine oneself mostly to hlult i'Ihw'h or hoots. There .ire only fV- occasions upon whii-h an eh-gnt p.t'irof t-outs may n( -be w c rn wtrh prnprif-tr. An evening jjown demands sllppr-r. over which spats oiguuiJ Ixm ilutu when th- f.pen. otherwise pump and slippers of n'l descriptions should be tnhooed for the colder weather wear. Doar Madame Can you g.vo mo soma information informa-tion as to tho uao of chiropractic for influenza? ' Also, ploasa giva mo tho namo of a good chiropractor. J. F. F. Tli.s ()uesUoit in a mutler of personal opinion. Many claim cures for influenza influ-enza by mean nt lif f-rnl treatment - In-wevfi'. i.Iti lyj with a like pro up of coie fo!low-iJ, to i-onlradlot any rlaimn mad for h particular -orrctive. Therefore, I cannot uvi;e. io carefully care-fully over the mat ir and decide for yourself. Vou will find full liM of chiroprat. -tors' named liKtfd in th city directory. Dear Mist Kayo: : 1 im girl of 15. Juit in my ft rat yoar of high ochool, and do love to road tho Heartitorium. Now, M iaa Kayo, will you hlp mo with thia: la it bad form for mo to chum . with an Austrian girl? 8ho is re, fined, and aa I have known her Suite a whilo it ia hard to turn her own. Some of my friondo tlhink I should not associate with her and I am very much troubled about it.-2. it.-2. About what should tho height and weight of a 15-year-old girl be? u,r ' -Q s..-.tu;. ? E. C. , - AneiimtnK that thin little A u stria n airl in at he.irt t horoujihly American, it woulii neetn 1111-American and unworthy un-worthy to treat her other than urn. The word "Ament-an" In h row tier than ttiat. mv dear, lung an Him foniLini suImii nnr land la loyal to Obi Olory; true to the Intereiitfl of our country -striving for her honor as the land of bin adoption, then would it be meet that this iwr-con iwr-con be ma le ver to carry the -ttiKia of birth foubi this, tto-n in truth be the land of the free and the home of the brave? ; I.et 11 be fi?ier and hiker than that. 1 my ilcnr; let 11s point the way to j higher ami better thinn for theae ; poor. lr.-n fortunate Htransctn; let us make up to them for the unhappy lot , of havimr ben born beyond the shel- j tcr:ne- fnlds (f the slara and ftrlpes ..f mm f.Inrv! I ?. A Ktrl's height mialit be per-fe.tly per-fe.tly correct and yet have a very wide rane. accordlnc to family ten-lU'iicies, ten-lU'iicies, etc . lint the weight Khould ( orrpond with the heiRhf, that prn-iHHi.ni prn-iHHi.ni H may not he lout. If you care itend fur a private repiv, tatine 1 vni'r heieht and a;. I .ial be I ' o tell y i u a bo 11 1 what your w i p h t ; Mini 1 M he 4 Dear Kathloen Kayo: My friend and I have a little wager to see who will buy the tickets to tho Orphsum theatre aa soon as it jjaooana. 1. What is tho circulation of tho Saturday Evening Post? 2. What is the estimated population popu-lation of Salt Lake City? J. W. B. Accordlnc to a Jtt.ttement often pith- I United hv the Saturday Kvemna; prmt, 'heir circulation la: 'fore than 2 ona,-ftn ona,-ftn a wrok." Sworn jattemontx of clr- iilnti"n nre irovldcd ailverttaera 1. The irJent popnl;i f ion of Salt i l.ake City piuppr la estimated at 11- 1 oi j Dear Mm Kayo: I This is the first time I have J written to you and I am anxious to ! ' My Dear Miss Kayo: I am a constant reader of your 4 section of tho paper, and enjoy it very much, and wish to join your . circle. May I ? 1. I have been very thin all my bf - and would like very much to "become normal sue- Would you " ffier4e solve this question" t6 Tni " r;- telbrrj me something to take or do? Doee swimming or bicycle ridmg prevent my gaming? 2. When I manicure my nails I ihave very funny fooling that annoys an-noys me greatly. Could you give mo any advice as to what would cure it? j Thanking you for your trouble I and hoping I may come again with j my queries, ANGIE. ! Vnti are welrnme. Anrie. ! 1. If there are mi or miiic disorders. I you fthould br able to build up the aya-j aya-j ffni. If you have had your phjaiciatt I limk you fiver for phyairnl flefer'n, and j !hve found twine, then I r.vuld aiiK- J Kept lhft your atro'de of TlvitiK le rortiehflt fharipfd. Ken'tlnte mir diet, ma Mr it eure tht it In ample, but 1 wholesome, and well balanced, rotttain-ing rotttain-ing much of the ennnipr fo4ide. such an 1 Tirn. trn vepfAtahtew. - etr.- There i hould tie a pet rule to frnvern the t invuin; f drmkinv water to be rn I umed '!n"y. tight glaaaea should b ; the minimum. n.nd twelve would be i even httcr. fet lb dally bath -which i should b taken upon arfsinu - be comfortably com-fortably warm, followed by a cold I shower. Outdoor exercia should be 1 rrK4ban1, but not strenuous. Rr.th iisw imtnlug and lucvcllng are gofd, ; Inkcn In moderation, but never to the ! point of fatigue Sleep on an open , porch if poaxihle and let your rest average av-erage nine hours er night. Keep the mind and body occupied- not exhaustion, ex-haustion, but with light agreeable work of some sort, and do not frget to smile and be happy. fr a cheerful nature na-ture helps to promote as well as to adorn good health. And remember: With faithful persist per-sist nee almost ANYTHI Nt i may be Hccornptiahed ; without . it nothing. Haphazard, fitful outburM of spwlal rairc and attention to the tm profit one ii' 'thing; the daily routine, however, how-ever, everything. If you feel that in addition to this care, umi may need n building a Kent to help you start anew on the upward p.ith lo health and well being, make a tonic an follows: To one rpiart of buttermilk but-termilk add a hi-lf pint f coffee c re-am. mix well and drink lewecn and with meal a. or either, throughout the day. makine it a solemn dulv to have no "left-overs." Three months should prove Ih wort h whllncs.i of this plan showing a decided improvement ptnMcnlly and mentally. 2. Per hap you rfer In a peculiar rervous condition occasioned by the filing of th nails do y"u if ao. the only c-irrM'tn measure would be to Kradualiy accustom oursclf to this annoying an-noying seiihation ty filing one or two nails at a silting, then gradually increasing in-creasing ill numtier to three, then four, etc., aa the weks and months go by. until finally. ou are able to file them all at one sitting without giving it a - thought. Af:er filing soak the fine-er tips for several minutes in warm soapsuds to relieve the tmglir.ff aensa-tir-n |