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Show e ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ' ' . ' v ' : Better Equipment at Amundsen's Means BETTER PHOTOGRAPHS for YOU This year more than ever before will photographs No longer do we use the old glass negatives; all work be the popular .Christmas gift the world over. , ' being done from films, handled by patent holders, so that Probably no other gift conveys the love the sentiment hands never touch them. as does the Photograph. It's the one gift that no one else Time-savers in chemical preparations for developing ' can give but yourself. So why not get the BEST photograph are new and numerous. A modern drying machine dries the ; possible? "" picture in a few minutes the operator putting thenfin wet In nearly every city ONE photographer stands out as at one end, and taking them out, dry and flat, from the other, the BEST. In Salt Lake it's AMUNDSEN'S. . Other photographers still stick to the old way of drying them Here you'll find the most wonderfully appointed Studio out in the sun, requiring hours and hours. This machine in the west comprising a dozen rooms including modern enables Amundsen TO GET OUT WORK WHEN PROM equipment not found elsewhere in Utah. We have revo- ISED. lutionized the art of photography put it on a BUSINESS And so it is in all departments, everything to improve - basis. and facilitate the work. Our huge stock room contains over No other studio in' the United States can SURPASS $10,000 worth of supplies, or more than the combined stocks our work, as we are in constant touch with the leading stu- of the three wholesale supply houses of this city. Much of dios of ths- country, such as Mareeaw if New YerUr Harttook -this stock has advanced from 200 te 600 per cent -since it was - of Los Angeles, Bushnell of San Francisco, etc bought, and while the other smaller photographers are forced Between these great studios new ideas for improving to ADVANCE prices, we are fortunate in being able to hold the finished product are constantly being exchanged, and them down to NORMAL. many of Mr. Amundsen's own ideas and discoveries will be We are prepared for the greatest Christmas rush in our found in use .in these metropolitan cities. history, and are already extremely busy and advie "early I Among the modem processes installed that are not found sittings," or possible disappointment later on. in any other Salt Lake studio is one used in printing enlarge- You will like our work our prices. Modern, exclusive ments. The huge lenses and powerful lights and equipment equipment coupled with "Mr. Amundsen's experience of a here used enable this Studio to print on a finer quality of 1 lifetime, assisted by unexcelled operators, enable us to solve . stock than can be used by other photographers. This means the problem of giving exceptional quality without excessive DURABILITY in the finished product. Then again smaller cost . details can be brought out in the picture, such as delicate But, remember! Come as early as possible, either dur- laces on gowns, etc., besides enabling the operator to art if i- ing the day or evening, our new lighting system enabling us cially shade and improve the general effect of the features. to do the same perfect work at night as during the day. Amundsen Studio Hours: Salt Lake's BEST Photographer 249 South Main Street 9:00 aTm. to 9:00 p. m. ; Phone Was. 950 i ' ' h MIIIMIIFagowAaagaTJmlllllini'J If You Would Be Wealthy, S Z Think of Saving as Wsll as E 2 Getting. Franklin. Our records show how people with very mod- est incomes have striven to save a little regularly! f The result is that rfieir old age is secure. f I . - . $1.00 will open an account here. " I UTAH SAVINGS I I & TRUST I COMPANY 235 SO. MAIN ST. E W. 8. MeCarnlck,' Fraaidant S Anthsei M. Lund. Via President E S Geecga Albert Smith. S Vie President E S Feed M. Miahlasi, Casht. D. B- Jwdd, Assistant Cashesr. E 5imillllrT""1L Mlflelll!llll J stasagvgrasssW " YOUR CHILDREN'S TEETH The teeth of year children muit recetv ettontton the moment eny tJerev le besjMn. Perhepe your owe teeih have been nnrlected In the dy before th neceealty of dnta attention was so atronitly reallfted. and from your own auf-farlnff auf-farlnff end needleee Inconvenience you lirtiflt by treent-i1ay knowlti and dt ace-vary to euch an eatent that your children may never know the pain and espeaee that lcnorac or backward metliode have made tteceaeery fur your-eif. your-eif. The TTnion Dental Company, for sliiern years the elirn of dental quality qual-ity end dependability, haa taken cere of the teeth of your children and proven the eenalbtltiy of Immediate atrpa to allaviaie all daneer of further trouble or expenee. Vo not forsjet euth valuable Uaeona aa ttiae etperiencee have taught you. but continue to lies fureatsht and precaution for the future benefit of your VhUdren. MyffiTffiiYfrT 0NE PRICE tkl!4lUj TO ALL If Bride Work . .$5.00 V Z ' Cold Inlay.. $2 to $3 Porcelain F01in.a, '3?rrnntr3 ..$2to$i5o ALL WORK UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED We oee enry the beat anateriale known to the dental prof raw Ion In all our I werk. and ruamntee nil opera tlowa to be ae near painleae as ecience and H i pertence can make them. Irce modemly equipped eperatlne; florae. Lady I - atteodaatav Ftee examinatioa. I UNION DENTAL COMPANY I fit Mala M. ' dr. L I. Pull la Charge Pkone ' 1N (j INFLUENZA The Old Reliable I " I 9 r5l Iraorlick s Malted Milk t$2&Ejrb Very Nutritious, Digestible . T Jf. Th REAL' Food-Drink, InstanUy prepared. . Q V jk MaaWbyth ORIGINAL Horlick process an4 .V from carefully selected rAateriai. talrfwS j Used successfully over century. orriitm.m ( Endorsed by physicians everywhere. j II Or IlCk?S Tte Original 33 jjms Avoiding Imitations i - |