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Show Would Have Historical And Educational Value By Arch M. Thurman State War Historian. I AM very much In favor of memorial building beina erected In he-or f all pereona whe have given aervice in the preeent war. I however, it aheuld net be confined te thoaa wha have given their live for the eauaa, but aheuld include a place for every pereen from the stats of Utah wha haa aeen aervice during the preeent erieie. The idea of memorial building In whioh material of hletorieal vslus, together with photographs, letters, aeuvenira, etc, of the pereona who navs been in aervice. can be preeorved, ia a big advance over the aid Idea at atone monument. Not the leaet. Importance would be tha educational value of euch memorial building. I can think of no better way ta teach tha hiatory of tha war of 114 than te have on diaplay in a bunding of thie nature, trephiea and material eencerning the wer which will at ail timee be open to impaction by the general public Incidentally it aheuld mean a great deal mere to the pereona wha have aeen eervice to know that tha recerd of that eervioe ia preeorved in a memorial hall, than to feel that an impersonal monument had been erected in honor of their participation in the war. |