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Show Mary Wright Names Her Attendants Miss Mary Dorlus Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wright, 2294 Windsor street, will become the bride of Lieutenant Lieu-tenant W. Vaughn Taylor, son of Mrs. Margretta T. Taylor, 138 North Second West street, Wednesday Wed-nesday at high noon In the Salt Lake LDS temple. A reception will be held from 8 to 11 p. m. at the Wright home. Bridesmaids for Miss Wright will be Mjss Etna Jensen, Miss Betty Bet-ty Jensen, Miss Margaret Rasmussen, Ras-mussen, Miss Ruth Klrkham and Miss Madeline Taylor. Best man will be Ellas Castle. The couple will leave Thursday Thurs-day to make their home at Randolph Ran-dolph field, Texas, where Lieutenant Lieu-tenant Taylor is an Instructor in the air corps. |