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Show RUSS AID NAZIS, BRITONCLlilMS LONDON, Jan. 28 INS) Great Britain has called Washington's Wash-ington's attention to the "ample evidence" that soviet Russia Is exporting Russian goods to Germany Ger-many and replacing them by imports im-ports from the United . States, Hugh Dalton, minister jf economic eco-nomic warfare, told the rouse of commons Tuesday. (Editor's note: In Washington, authoritative quarters disclosed the United States hopes to u the current export licensing sys- torn as a means to prevent future transshipment f vital American war supplies to Germany via Russia.) "His majesty's government." Dalton laid, "has made it quite clear to both the soviet union and the United States what are our feelings in regard to this matter. mat-ter. I "I hope that as a result of conversations con-versations now proceeding In Washington it may be possible to take some steps to reduce this traffic." I Dalton said that while the Soviets So-viets were exporting large quantities quan-tities of cotton to Germany, the U. S. S. R. imported 30,000 tons of cottor from the United States in the last quarter of 1940. He enumerated other Increases in America n exports to Russia. WASHINGTON. Jan. 28 Viscount Halifax, the British ambassador, am-bassador, said Tuesday that he expected to take up with the state department in the immediate future fu-ture the question of exports to Russia which Britain believes are replacing soviet shipments to Germany. Ger-many. 1 He talked with reporters! after a conference of nearly an hour with Sumner Relics, undersecretary of state, whom he had met In London Lon-don dur ng Welles' factfinding mission Tor President Roosevelt to European capitals last spring. j i |