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Show WALTER. WINCHELL (CoprrigM. 1M. Oaftf bQrror, lacj Twrwod t mnt tnw rnx now (Bot Whfc-b Taa Kara AM Atomjl That thor art law In Uvra tJnltad ttataa BCktnaV Clgarata playing eada Mlllarda and pool dandna Oarman apara bar knaaa tha hula hula artaa righting phi hwrionada anort bad ahaal ho porta whlatllng an ftundayi tlpifn not going ta rhuirri anovta ahowlng tan klanng a womaa tor longor than 10 voonda -and Undin, Jwhmo. Booraocto, Pteldln. Anatnla rranra, D. M. tawranr and Cabrll. Oh. rrn, and robMnc bank an BuiKUy 1 agalnat lha law, too ) aaa That fchnprnhanor aoUmatad that thar a) anry an (Tt mind ha about an buodrcd million pao-pla. pao-pla. tl my faot radrt - ' aaa That wtahB Sir Thoanaa Mora wa lad up to tha gailnwa, tn Boatload ahook a litlla arW h aald to hla aaanitlonar: Xllv ma your hand going go-ing gp I will aolt! for myatli eomlng dxrou." aaa That fUhtlala punnad aith M laat braath nprnt tha nam of tha Lord, tin "ranch, and you wouldn t gat It anyway I That to ttvg at ona'i baat, Beeordlng ta pay. choloflata. on aught to hav Uo thouaand dia-tlnot dia-tlnot aiparkroeaa of aaUafartton annually avor and abov tha alamaatal aaUafartlona of alroptng. Bating and working. (A profaaaor at Columbia unlwtlty Bjada In cakrulailon. aaa That tbd tight Um to Bind a fatctl It tn Urn Mrnlog. aaa That altar taking tight hour day for alarn. aavan hour for work with half of Saturday off and normal lima for draaatng. aharlna. ate. ate, you bar only MO hour a yrar hft lor 11 ring, aaa That thara ar AIM million houar In tha TTnll-rd TTnll-rd Btaiaa af Atnartra bad anmigh to b drmoluhrd. lit would nt B mar fourtavn bill km dollar ta rrptao Iham wlUt livabla build ingtJ aaa That N If th mal and net tha fmah eurkaa that alnga. (A famai curkoa hi on of UM rangt ighta la Datura try and find on.) a. a a That rtapoUoa mad hla firm lt an zculor of hi wUi Ha waa maoa a count ta ItoS. a a a That th Pilgrim honaaUy paid th tndlaoi for Um land Bfqulrad from tham la PlymouUi. That th day following Uw npuUlon of th Jw from Ipain, Cohimhui at aall for America, aaa That It took a thouaand yiart to wrlla . Th Talmud. a- a a That Oerarnor Alfalfa BUI Murray of Oklahoma Okla-homa think that U you (hav your mualach It waakana your rraa. That a 00M no doesn't ntresaarily Indlcata the doe la healthy. a a a That a tin I mal house fly can hav more than fifty thousand ofltprtng If provided wllh enough wives. aaa That even before th drprnaaion thara werg two rnllUoa unemployed tn America. aaa That there la a book avails bis with U.noa uiua traUona tn MO pagaa It leaches a new languag Willi picture. aaa That tha phone eomnany In New York wtU tnoouleUj any of Its employes against 00 Ids. BOO That mastoid often ara th result of blowing your no too hard. a a a That oa Fifth avenu they "r offering a bath tub with gold plated lancet for a mere , ID press IcanT) aaa That a dog perspire only through hi mouth, e e e That radium la down to tH.TSO.00O par pound. Oood newt? a That according to Jean Ptccard. th ttrata-nher ttrata-nher Klentlet' twin brother, all left-handed people peo-ple are origmsily twins I (Yoo-boo!) a a s That tha remiblio of Andorra, a small country tying between Franca and opsin, pay It pram ant a yearly salary of HA, .a a a That meat eaten caa Bra without (alt, but vegetarians cant. a a That Rlnstelne book on the "Unified Field Theory" took Ua yrari to wrrte, yet oootaiM only alape. , . . That M per cent of th average phytlciaa'g patient pa-tient never pay their bill. a e a That It take almost a mil of wtr to max an average full-sis screen for lha window. tAa If (Ilea car.) a That la Bpala tha wife retain her maiden nam. da That lukewarm I belter to quench th thirst than ice water. |