Show SUIMVIM1 IlONEKUS Reports IccclftJ from Various = 2 UoCiuii Uerolu I 1S17 FARMERS WARD Bait Like Cu March 8u 1807 To the Editor IjeurulUB that you desired to hnow the 1IoLotm of UiubllaUurOB mouiot I pUI 10 Odd IllY mlo the list 01 I lastly rLCtlvtdby Informing 3 ou gust It with my a heia lauilljwoi nuuiluiua tuunif tUbtn tiuviuc arrived lit tint iillcy with llrolhtr A O tjjioulo oomuiby bculeiulmr 2 < lb Ib47 n K lUdDluw ITo L1111 March 6tb 1897 I-To the Editor I diilrolo register my Dm as one of the Pioneers that uutered file Halt Ik valley 1111847 Am Ibo Boo c Lllbu Alleu auu was allied von at tilt lllno ol entrance 1 ilrslro to take part lu too coining celikratlou I JOHN ALLEN NMIII March 416J7 To the Editor Learning inrougU the NEWS that II Is I desirable obtain nmu tied luo Uentof curly life lu Utah I thought a low I Items from mo mIgu6 Ads Home thing 10 the lastly history of Utah I came Into Bait Lao Valley lu file year 1847 In Jededlab M Urauli com rally After making adobu and putting them Into u house to live 101 put up a tutnitic lathes one or the Iltot lint won put up In the valley aud wild tome of the first furniture such us cbalmiind spinning wbeolt Intro arotwool Ibo chulis lu existence jet t aisterMary Illonfonb bat ono which IN I now rounloK tile tblid generation gener-ation ISO would uot buy the chair loony lo-ony helped build turnout the dial bouse mat were built In the city notably the old Council home I wile unit 01 the first violin players lu the valley We viert there b11 4110 I crlcius came In our grain fluid and themes gulls awoopeddown upon them and gobbled Willis up 1 moved 10 NephTln ibo fell at 1851 anti have rc sided hire ever since lava stated In kllllug lorae of lha snakes uud building m1 Ibo first bridge In Ibis i art of the worlJ CHARLES BpI < IIIIY YEIINAI Ulutah Co Utah March 218J7 To the Wlton going only eleven years old when I came 10 Utah lu 1617 1 thought 1 W01314 oalrprlIII711 II 8 lloor but 6trllii omo 01 Ibo names of the Pioneers who Carus 1ft the same coca pany with myself I thought baiter too to-o r I came to Utah with my slep tether whoso name was WaiblugtonN Cook and my mother whote name wis I Mary aL Cook We came In J M Urintj company I helped to drive loate cattle all the way wayJ M THOMAS EMORD UKUIO Cj Cola March 21807 lo tho Editor UearlCB through the NEWS that II wuidutlrable to oijlalu llio names ot the survlvoio of the Iloueers of 1847 will Bay that I atn the oldest tilituAlittir 01 Andrew I Uibloni one of fill Ijooceo lo Utah My father mind tougher were married In the Neuv Tcroplatielofetho mayllom 01 Lho lropilOl Joelb My bliboIlJ name is John 1 Carter11DI a 01 1 Uldooo Uarlor Ib1 we Itlllod ID the Crooked liver battle at the time that Brother LlArtrldro was killeiand alsioucut J eeplid lll guards 1 have live brothers and one slstir j living In dt Jotiui Apache county Arizona 1 wJII give you their Dame A V O bboiir W U Olbbonr II C UibUjiH J H Cllbbotif Jn UibLo and Liz Uolegatc uiy only alter Unr Pamela were btu 100 IIU are burled side by Bldu IU BI JObO cemetery Mns Cu11 |