Show Ulks rloTjalt Items riTTfliUUU March DA party ol Gretkt numbering at Jujn fl ty will leave imsburc lor Orteco Nine ot tbu ratty ltd for New York tonight ana tho balance are expected to sun ttmairow Peter Vmo one ol the bestknown rocks lu 1mibirg Is at tile bead of Ibo movement out he has slrealy soiured transportation fur tbo parly to reach New 1otk There they will Lord the steamer which has been placed at their disposal by the Greek consul New York Usmas says he find Just received a letter from big hrolur Frank who It 10 theGreek arms and lu It he says that the vruolo Army u eager for war and 11 the IIlu Wu to attempt net out of the attalr JuanyoNartutoolibr luau loydeolat Ing war against Turkey he i would be forced abdlClte Tile 411HYRUIlLot the Uu 4 are tullug In Uruioa at presmt The woman are eager for war and also many ot Ibm will go tu I Ibe I front Just tile same as the mm and they will fight |