Show beeves Italed Irom Custody HAVANA March 0 Tho Hants Clara Cub court having jurisdiction cl tba o6arge nalnst ByWeiler Hco l the New York World cjrreipond but who wits arrested In the early part 01 February whllo travelliiK in I u train bo tweets Tutias oDd Uaucil Bplrllur hu rendered a decision releasing him rom custody Mr Hcovel la now u Utry NEW Yoiuc March 10A Wab luBton apicUl to the World mjf Byl 1 vaster Hcuvela release from Uinctl Bplrllui jail was only effected alter II was known to tile Mpanlth govsroms I through Ibe minister here that 1 It titr to tell him the t United dtatet wou lit like prompt action lor redress The continued confinement ID Jail was alsa I made the tub ctof v gorout Plot Plo-t to and the care was pr 0 sated to ire 11110 Script ill Lime that that estate dtplomale promptly cabled 10 Ibo captain general 01 Cuba recons mlldlog Mr tlooI release |