Show THE SOISTia aid 1I1lInAjY Irv vuuti Oattds lIaIisae Ia tsneartan5 uar tat 5ntCe ear z54 a II onlll a NliaBMUixci Germany August lit 1896 la the laiton Inasmuch as our beloved President Eider George C Naegle has paid us n visit I give you a brio account of the enjoyable en-joyable time wo hail thinking It may be ol Interest to some I ol > our readers Munich 1 f I has been and Is the scene of a Illlle disturbance In our branch caused by a till turning aahut Ui and gratify J Ing hierangerky telling some slanderous untruths about us and about her folks who are members of the church to the Ifancror clergyman of her district dis-trict tIme result was that Ilrother Olson and I and some ol the numbers mere Invited before the police court Judging I II from I the iiucstlons put Ib lu us they have an Idea that we are here as agents for his Chuich trying lo get people to come lo Utah tarp still 1 lrtold nave some very o IIlrto about lime Mormons and look upon us wllli a certain cer-tain degree of fear lor which we cannot can-not blame them owing to Ihe many false teporls which have ben circulated girlish Alice undergoing about an hours iiucallonlng 10 welt released ind told tliat wo would hoar frini thrum again In a few dis After nn elapse of our days an i flicer came from ollce juarlers with what we though would be > lepciilon of the old story vlicrdcrs to leave Uu kingdom but 10 our turpilie It twos a copy ol a Wf 1871 under uhlch I I the Mormons as It thawed arlh had no rllit to hold any kind of rcliiious ceremonies and for every lime Token rnc the future would be subject to mo and baiiiihnicnt inn b mime first line In thin lilory I of bamrU that we we been given any consideration o lutcver It seems as though they o re unable la prove any ol I the I false charges catered against l us by the minister and therefore we were warned to comply wills the law Our President visile I us and he talked matters over with an attorney ol the government as lo the possibilities of our gelling here dpmol speech hut this attorney t advised ad-vised unto make no attempts und was utterly uwlcsi as long as the present party vii i lime Ultremamamer clergyman party ln hold the rel ns ol government and inasmuch as President I loi Lund advised ad-vised President Naegle to be cautious In making any attempt y111 was concluded con-cluded to do nothing nt present Our little branch being very much pleased over IIrolller Naegles arrival we appointed a meeting hoe Sundiy afternoon July iSth lo be held in a torn about lour miles out ol the dty m Aa loll 11 wtr At the appointed hour I we sat down In thin shade ol Ihe towering pines 1 and listened tons good a sermon as could have been given and wo all fell that though we were busing 1 persecuted yet we were blessed by being nIbs lobe hearers of the word of the lotd and partake of the holy spirit In the evening we Held service ser-vice In honor uf lbs deceased Apoille Abraham II Cannon These were moments of deep sorrow as Ilroiher Abrahim Is I as well known by older members havlnz Tilled a minion here in Germany und left many warm friends to mourn this departure I autd On Wednejday July jjh I accompanied ac-companied Ilrother Naegle to Nurem burg where we found Hrolher John Je111unhlfr Satire Je Isaac I K Ulrton working very very earnestly In trying lo spread the principle of life and MlVjtloti but thin conditions here are similar lo those hI Munich I as both cities are under Catholic i rue and religious freedom has not yet reached that point which allow I us the privilege of proclaiming our doctrines doc-trines openly However the tendency for religious Irecdom for all sects U I growing fast and Ills l only i question 110l lfnfl j mll of a few vents when time laws will be such that every sect will have the right ol tol proclaiming J their belief I though tIn clergy parly it fighting II very hsrd Prom a hiitoncal nolnt cl view the city of Nurimburg Is many Interesting dating back as mar as the Itomini In hue center of the city Is I an elevated sand stone lull I known as the llurgo It was tl here that ewl Romans are said to have built their fort I It wa also used In time middle ages ass pUce of teluge during llmei uf war No lets I than thirty emperors ol Germany liavo limits It their place of reluge On this liurg hrc1I H a well us feet deep cut through solid sandstoni Trill was dug In the cicvmlll century I when blastIng was unknown lo blue world lh and occupied thirty years In dieting I Irum Ihu bottom ol this well lend I two subterranean wsugcs Sims to hold h-old court house bo I other to Ibo churchyard church-yard The former Is I open lo this day In the court yard of Ihe cull which stands on the lop ol 10 Ilurg is a celebrated cele-brated linden tree planted In the elc cnlli century thus making r It eight hun rod illl rtI Jlf ZIII years old Thl tree tilled Its mtasuro if creation abjut two years ago when It ceased shouting forth us buds upon the advent ol sprint 1nm lhi elevation nv aI Ir one can sec where Wallcnsteln Ihe header tIme Catholic forces during the thirty years war had his army In trenched against the besieging Pro tesunt forces under King Gustavo Adolphus Sweden who alter an unsuccessful un-successful attempt of eleven I weeks to break through the entrenchment moved hula amumy towards the north whore In h tri roIn tIbd the battle atlutzenha wan the day at Ibo cost of his life Here Is where luther and MeUnchthon spent many days during the Kclorma nan Nurcmburir was one ol the first cities to throw oil the dominion excr cited over them by Ihe papal authority at Home a blensing which prevails In nearly entire Germany except the rr torlflno kingdom ol Ilavarla where Us bonds me still felt I bad the I privilege ol riding I upon the first railroad t built In the empire I which I connects Shill city and Ihe city of Iurili about six i miles lo the north This road was Luilt In this year ittjj This city It I ails well known the toy manufacturing rllo ok city of the w 01 vl Id At present there nF being held n fair here which Is I a representation repre-sentation of Ihe different Industries ol Ilatarlann < i very Interesting lo visit Today I return to Munich to bid my trIJ rar IIr II tl friends farewell alter I which I will be appointed too new field of labor This season Is very rainy and the faincrs bonn very hard time In gather hog 11 their crops Tho climate b much cooler hero than In Ulah ALDIHTS HRICKSON |