Show THE TURKISH PROBLEM Streets In Constantinople Look Llij BittliQeMs KtTirericlilliicIn I OlIIeIllts loll a La 10 lneel II b tuu CopTANTlNOIl Aug 00 Thin Uuluar wee RUtrJeJ all night looit by Ih lltltlih RUtrJihlp Innzene and two Tutklih gunboiti 1 1 still Ion pciilble Rive Ih nol number of Tlcllmiof tbtlollng In fio itrel between Iblmbigtche anl lopbaucx It tetembled a field ot battle lIlly bullet welu counted there flaw uouiei ot Atmulini In T rlou quailett baT trail plll ied abd Ualata ocd 1iu are occupied by mllllity lovely pattoli inc lo be teen In all iltreli Ibe thopi one cloied and fw jHjople Tenlure out In addition hole ale tumor of dIn I lurbaucei at IConnkopar The Arraenliui ale groally alatmel end the oulbrialc i > f Ibo levolutloullt Inolulooll li I ginetally ondimnnl ai criminal midncf Hut his nuthorllki am curl lured fur letiulUltiK the Mniiuluiant toluterfete and attack Innvcnt for sore and Ihe police anl troooi are blamed fot biing pitilTe on look in Tiny hownTr irvril group ot Turk wtdluriniU TUB BlTUAltON lxNI x Aug 59 The totolgu cOlon hut colTud dl < alchia torn Mt Mtchtel llurhtrt limo llrlllih ttmjo il1 1 aUilrot at Uonitintlnopli The illlcUli thet haT declined 10 com munlrit belt silo Ohs uewipipti lot 11w fnaluI hut I Wa tuolOy ole ctiteJ that they covlf clued the Aiiocl ated 1rni dlipatchei diictlbliu the Ituallou which I ll laid toko about ai I bad ai II curs t > v lltlllih I killoriand mirlma hue ben landid In protect Iho rinbuiy of brunt llrllalu the llrlllih ouoaubul aol the lltltlih I pool n Iuk II 3 ill oilier Tho I Muiiulmani I ultaokcd the txoenii Atraonlaoi and cotnialltoJ au 1 hInd ol nuimNti IN crtUTi IXS1WS Aug OTbo Dilly Now Ihli motiilui 0 pntillihei a dliratch Irom Alhn ID Ibo I Itoct 000 haTer Ilibt lug has been gouiit on igilo at Hillngi and uenr llctakllmi Tho toiulti 01 tbcie ooclllcli belweu Ihe Cretani aoJ Turki ir unknown but I I I known that many wounded furkln lolJIcri hire loon brought to llirik lion tULII oNI A0t110 11 tltTO JON ATHENS Aus UH II alatd hero Oboluwboug 10 lIon recent tliti Hi Con itmllnopl bus lullau poilpond Ile flnil reply ou Ihu Cretan imeitlou lIe lltllih roniul at llomklloo loon lug I Iho couiiqueiicei hrttnpplud 10 hunt tuieily ileamiulp Hood and asked iroucllou tot hluiielf aol for Ibo UoKllih toildnU cf Crle ta TIOUIID ELAIN tAIUS Aue OTho TIUPI lull licruuon publlinii a dliilcli Ituni Contlnnlluople lIbel on ItlDay even lug which aural At Hie lotion momont lannulniry tklillng U UUcg place In lIme ruler ilrecl of Co Canmauilucplr tIn broIl ale llflng ou unatuitd Arruiniaur Iho viitiuii of tool tulbteuk txccid 1 IOU BOOTH 01 deal hen been thrown luto the loa lu order lo eric the roublu of turning H > u uoJiei fhu llritith barge il allilri las teluted Ihe re ijuoit ot lImo iulau 10 withdraw the guird of llrlllih uiarluin iyu1 he cannot do U until Ihu Utiiirderi aru Hiniouthly quelled blOb Aiuienltni In limo Ottoman lam I IIvo WOO killed aud live wniniiteJ They all Lime from abroad Iblboolo sonvl Yore laTe hoots SerIf 10 Miriillleii llrlllih aol Ileuch war lately iblpi oil are itielng Ibo Menagerie liner Hlruek by luhlnlm OirNWooi Iowa Aug UThl Halo initltulo for leebliniluded chlb dies wui butnod Ihli miAulru Involving Involv-ing tbo lotto JI6UUUU I Ihu In uatei uumbrluic loll wra teicuJ too lOis was onnad by llghtnlog |