Show TIeLY OhALIONHtOinEh I I alec ItofeaslI urIeItiI 1 a ene III 1 u CAN 011 Aug OO IhonToil Hon KhouuoJ 10 calf McKlnley today Iho 1101 aOl Icad at7I0 It ole hacimniorolal men4 McKlulty club No 1 ot Ubleaio lOll itrouf Kuinercui bauntr wttacittlol I by be coinutirclil men cuuiplcuoui aninog tuiui tielnir olio ou which were uclute ol MoKlnlty and llobarl lailli hull with wotklucmou tIle wurdi IVolvctlou IK labor auld iltal tioDiit money 10 bOil IOIBTI ndr along luduiirlo luonaiu M CII and leilore lha nallonul cradbitt Floe Tliltoti Were listen Ibo ajm maud of Chief Mkrihil leoriv Ireu I n tb tool were all thoimrnbraof bvuiliooal axccullTu commlttro of limo commercial men of Iha United HUti The locol commercial mon tcelTd Lilt fellow knlgbti cordially 1 cltl iniincori and Canton troupe ware 10 liar fell larlamoJ Urand Atmy tool iiayud Ineplo lug air Iiianinr Iu a call tot Illuo whn bellTe lu Ihi gold itandard 10 aii mbla at Diuter ilampdiu works 10 Im ala C000fI SOJu Duenet men liirnwi tut armiU with Uclvlnley andlUburi utubrellae Ml Lu > bnf aooanitualud by U J Corey halnuau of Ohs national xetullTv ruoimillioot coinniorcltl nun if Ibo Uullfd halo K II llll1b who at riDtid Ibv Oracle and Ueorco 11 I Iliito droT tolLs train la cite greet hug In Iron ta the oinmirclil men II wn rioitly 10 Gcloct whom Hi dolegitlnu Hiilihod bletklalt and four K miel Ihu11011ol lanaI ID much On Ibe Mckluley bow Thiro was a litgo cruwd ou Ibo itlieli Old at Hie proniilon pmioj Ihtio fell Into the tauki lion ctuwd at tboMcKlulcy Loiitiilint up a raljbty cbtvtaitbo uiilot appeitvd l bulge Corey chairman of Ihox ecullvo committee 01 Ibo Nallouil Commercial 1tiTilliia iiiuclaliou uiiooai > voli In which hoe olr1I lImo Hiueof this campaIgn woe protec lIon tcolpNiliy and auuud liiautj not free cubit of illm Corey wa lulrmi ttil at ibort Inter yale by aipltuio When McKlnley iteppid 1 MI on Ibo chair to teipoud he locelTtd an ovitlor Hit tupiuie uiu ins utoitliappy yell Illnliltr ehl l l Ill Japoe YUKUIIAUA doug OCba nntllo uiluutiy hai itilgceJ Cuuol Kuruda has boo pwluled acting lliultr iloo minis ars on account of dillon ours ol 1 opinion toarJiu llu Tacau unrig pottfoliu I uor Ulllliu lob CIII 1 UNIION AUKLI Uh li announced thai luiietot illlim will gIve a coil IJ illTil cup desIgned by hlruilt In Ihii winner ol the yacht race lobe Ibid letHtim UoTtt and Htlli01 am Hn rordialotl allar limo leJobralion of He oooo uilon ol the iixileth ymt ot Iho nlgn uf Union Victoria The cur will le at itAtt Ihrte feol In hlnbl nu aim 1 rum the clrciiiuitanoi nttoudlri Inu ilcDitnlug ella awardluK of the trophy lu Iho Titlot ol Ibu tier Iho Uillruoula will hi Tty Valuable |