Show III Irll JlIOI leoplo Overlooked the Imprlanco 01 permanently beneficial 1lCII and were satisfied with transient notice but now that It 1 Is generally known that Hyrup ot rigs will permanently overcome habitual constipation well informed people will not buy other IAullv whIch act for a lime but finally Injure thioyftem Dried Itachea only 5 cents per pound at rqullBlilMiinp The direct line 10 Kansas City Ht Louis and Atlantic seaboard tlylvis t I the Missouri Pacific Hallway from Pueblo Through sleeping nnd chair CAN alod all connections made In Union depots In tbn day time If you are going iUast aud care for a daylight ride through Ibo grandest scenery of the Itoctiy Mountains route pee that your ticket reads via Missouri I Faclfio Hallway Klegsnl choir care positively free to holders of regular train tickets 11 Jt ICoosrn C F P A IlMorlan lllock Bait Lake City Vnlcr Iliilti The Wake rates for the last six months the promt fiscal year I e from July lot 1603 to July Let 1687 are now due and payable All dalln IUonta are hereby nollled that their water Is liable to bo shut ell now at any time without further notice J 11 MAY City Treaturer Knmli Hodi liniiil The lit Clt on earth at 35c n prund Tbe Kolll lv ndy KlIchKn 60 Alain Dd Apples at 0 cents per pound t EqultoDf Coo rhe steal May tWro Disease Is I lu eslablmn health Purr rich blood means good health HnoJi Hnrsaparllla Is I the One True Jllood Purifier It tones up tbe whole arm teui give appetite and Strength and tRuses wekue lIncuOES and roBin to dist pros r No other medicine has such B record of wonderful Cliffs aa Hood H Steeper ma HOODS PILLS are the best afterdin Day pill atsat digestion prevent con ItIpation 25 Cable 6 PROFESSIONAL Wd R all Me flat doom V ZAb3 UEO P Contain Jit IOYtEzINEI1o I 510YIEI i MM IDS rGJN Attorneys and Call noel I oraat1AVV loomo 7 to 141110setethlatlocial Dink Illdir mfILIIDS RlnlAIIUS AUorneyatLaw nom WI 10 6C8 lIcCotok Dloelt IlASKI8 1106HI Attorney satLaw 140 Main bt over Alfla Store I M WAlIlIElL TlJO AIIMI AttorneyaatLaw and Land Attorn ays auall JJCCOMIelt Blisek RAIL rh MIT ALEX MoMASTER ATTOnNEYATLAW Itoo 111 43IH oiiinirrrlHl lllork HAS M m ON Dentist I1Mm V101111239 COOUIOU I1ldlf UU I J T1J T O U Surgeon Dentist 1111fInSt < AothU Admllo 4 It Pays Any more fsrmerwlthfiro cow to buy I or Hun Separator As he pets J tier tent more butter all mucli r r better so opfildtyiryk Infornicalou on p r OIor or ally lIrl ur creamery mat = orllO II J snT JIt 19 I Ives FI 500tb Alreet Creamen rock ago 311g Co Iou Jllr Salt Lake City Brewing Co Wo am ftgalu In ibo lead against all rnmrolltlon with our Extra Pale 1ienlluln leaner lisr Hall nnil Half and Extra Fine X X X blolI Porter In nny miantlty In Lego or battles Telephone 17 17JACOB JACOB MORITZ General Manager 9910 eu Aw I st V It I t I this year in valuable articles to smokers of Blackwells Conuino 0 U Tobacco n I you will rind one cotipo inSide in-Side each 2Ounce bag and two 6 cc upons Inside cftch 4ou02 Vol The Bust bag llnynbig rendibecoupon 4 I SmoklngTobacco Made and see howtogetyclurhare Ito oiiaoacsoesosecoceooccoacooaososaGcxiooooooaooocao GOOD FOR THE CHILDREN Gra f nl r Chillr ll Palla aJ PEST WORM MEDICINE Excellent tonic for weak and alllns children Gives strength and vigor Puroly voRotablo and perfectly harmless Cures all complaints to which children aro subject Makes weak children strong sick children well Sold by all Druggists and Oountry Stores 1 SUPPORT HOME IruDUSilR Yo = Theso are the People Who Sell HomeMade Goods r i if is c vor TAILORING PRICES 30 PER CENT LOWER nld Our prices always have been ns low as the lowest but now 1 we have made another big cut ol 30 per cent We give vou the I lr tu same well selected material and careful orkmii ship as before A T OLrYE A SON I 12 West Third I South CITY MATTRESS 000 Wholeaale Manufacturers ol all Kind ot Mattresses EpadaJty ol all Cotton and Cotton Top and Hair Mattresses also da litoovalios > and Upholstering on Short Notice 870 SOUTH MAIN STREET Cast JIron Stockings Made ol Spanish yarns warranted to outwear four pairs of the best imported hose For sale only at the KNITTING FACTORY 25 West First South We make a full line of Union Suits Underwear Skirts Jackets Sweaters Gloves Milkers fancy Knit Goods and Hosiery ol all kinds Our goods are sold on their merits eVE xmaJ OTlZErlS FOxxOQC ELL I S P1lotogra 1 > 118r Aa34 W SECOND SOUTH ST We ate still making those celebrated < t J p 1 100 Pe HnT SATIN FINISH PHOTOS at tplVVJ 1 Vl OZ I We do not have to change prices Our Customers talk for us Electric Wiring AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES GOOD RELIABLE FIRSTCLASS WORK E Go HOLDING 49 West First South St Salt Lake City RUPTURI 01 men womtri ond ehildW rrrmsonlly cured without polll or the allghttit bs the IniilI lukT110D t rir ensst runriluted Ilitlerit o nd lot tiny d11 r fig 1 cured OycrOAMcamc4cure4lutbolaatgrt ears Cohadoupreat ItErEUENCE9 JOItlh Worberion boP of First Word Fidelity Rapture Cure COl Juddwith Morrol M wnb USTAYMeR4411 co I Itom tied 134 Atia bet Eaa talks TUISAlcirrI Ml Coalition olldlog CIt Utah Jii LWeriJJtoumecona Men hd for particular open every day GEORGE F FELT COMPANY vcousoao To THIS DtTIlTOlVaAIlDlVEI CO Ifanufacturers of Combination Fence dealers In Lumber Lath Shingles eta at the old stand corner of Eighth South and Suit Telephone No 14 STEEL RANGES Why pay fSs oo for a Steel Range I when you can buy one Ct A C C f Iioy 450 aWe just t as Rood for pir J Vf J We have A fine line of Great WOStClIl Steel Hall es that we are selling at hard times prices and abu Cooking and Ikaline Hoe III he same kind of prices WE GUARANTEE THEM AS Rood as the best New work and repairmj In both PllimfolllfV JUUl rrlUllillg rcmptly Done THE DAVID JAMES CO 07 S IArN swulairIA tt1l J 171 JJ1 COMMENCES MONDAY MORNING OUR ANNUAL hKARAN K 8HhR OF ALL WINTER GOODS A CLPARANCi SALE ol the Greatest JJjgnltudt A mighty sweep Ing ifrcsisllbe burs lug up uf prices mil t vilmi Every aiticlo and piece of ROO Is H the lnuaE ij Cut Price We are clelcimined to close out all our Winter Goodsnone will be carried own It means a great big slice oil lie priru to buy TillS LUK There Never Were Greater Values Everything exactly as advertised as long a they latt t Hemember bemg the end of the seafou there are only limited iuniiHlics ul certain lines so rail early Winch they are sold out i I White Satin Linens 790 lards White Saint Stripe Must be sold uill be sold If I Lnwn I well I worth roc a yard n next to t nothing prices sale 1 b I are any m bargain at She duceircnt for nfoJtIe nlh Towels size 18X36doc II eave and good eight 1I0rth uk Infants I Wea 14 E I at elleh One CC case heavy bleached 19x40 Money saving Inducements In inch Ineilles TOIlels lOlth xsr this department drinlt Our Great I go nl rach Sc CleatlllJ Sal Sc our special good Turkey n1 Table Damask So values and jculi solely take ad inclict llde allle quality la alwa vantage of this Opportunity 2SC I ardln Ibis sale atyard Ilic rooo yards unbleached Cauton 100 dozen All Linen Doylic6 I Flannel at Ilic yd fringed nd bordered sale price rer 6c Toilet 1111 TOllclilll dozen at 1IIe tour ehc choic I at c bleached I or 4r tin Id I Teti belts of 58 inch full bleached Tbb llmnaiik sod at 3sc yord iC cuahty jtakey Red CAlico regular In thit ale al aroJ Or fi lIrcd and iu all plain yd I 84 Fringed Turkev ned and Robe Prints lace aDd lIocred Willie The Cloth German makp designs the best 7 c goods it Orlh I 75c In this ale ateacb 31c d to yd Sitc Curtail Saint 38 Inches ide Black ut mid White Dnss 3 1cld Irlllt5 I I I UNDERWEAR E E n nl the iC kin j at Hc yd HB I Light Colored Shilling dnts For ladies Misseq and CIud cheap at 6c for Vd I rell 01 Cleatln Sale Vrice 12C quality Hickory Chlliot Ladies ex heavy Ierino leuccl I in I tills sal fail yd c Underwear sizes 2S 10 44 Cool Yald wide Blaehed IIIslin rale I value aqsc deatlng sale price 5c e pries Ie I yd I Ladies brcn mixed heavy I 400yRtdWhite Chceke iJlm flecced imitation Camel Hair unit itles usually sold al ISC un-it li 1l1e I er ea lfalzes 2S 10 H A 90011 Sue Hied I Cjuality for this tale each 32 c ji j i American Biscuit Mauufaoturing Co I loccraort 10 Utah cracker Facto ry Manufacturers of Fine Crackers and Cakes I I Cream and Sno flake Sodas In 1 2 and 5 pound boxes I 442 South Sooond West St HENRY WALLACE Mgr I THE GREAT SUCCESS OF THE DESERET EVENING NEWS Is nn ovidenco that this i progressive Thousands progres-sive paper is appreciated I Real the B W 8 ap-preciated by progressive pro-gressive people o ADVERTISERS GET BCTTBR o I o EESULTS FROM THE I NEWS T LVN FROM ANY NEWSPAPKU CIRCULATED I IN THE QIICAT WEST The 2 Read tJ I Satattday 12 to IG pages filled with the news of today Py not yesterday nnil N e W articles from the best Q 0 wiitun in tho country A DB Jo A KEYS02 DENTAL PARLORS 1 2 3 4 Lolhn Block 240 Main St rirst Door North ot Walker Boa i > fcAIT IAtllo nil LAir first Teach A motbtslut LInrcrt a Allvcr I it o0 Trt I ft t ji 0101i all ftloo no Polls 10111 J k UQ1d llriilM Work icrjrooil h SIo CnOWN and ilKIDGE WORK ft Sprclntiy Ilr hnllr rolOl n I this if IIty eltil 1 r as to pill I or quality r arek at I rICe t 7 I 1 1 41 > J 111 fl I i u I I r Y1 f riff r I i I nlln Tunes roollneftA protor 1ft W t itk itr Ihnflnqit Kquli < Pintill 1 tu Ie t ft > th WoL 1IItrl littlats i of emihatirri onll rio Students or t career All rr cuirontecd Tooth Filled Without Pain Dr l HI Beckstrom Dentist 16 State Street and 69 second South r Ot DR O B 1 HEWETTI I 7 Us LSlhz t il OIECtAlTlEB i fJ 1 r late Filling 04 I i Go ld 11 poot plaits 1 11 and frI < like a start Prilte E do Vron rI Work n Ih It 502503 DOOLY BLOCK fI f I Yortlla most r mubod or Dautislry call Dr E M Keysol4 Vi ho tint tally equipped ana tboroushly mod arn parlors at 161 Nato FirtatbelltAuerbh M It sc A II made or er 00 n 4 bridge l k she IIm hleh do arvilth II 1 or 1 0 plI All DrIOO n Irlt GILI ifollilsin busiest Om LV343 I I rharn IIh its cut It c n1 pe Due hight I I European Restaurant 10 820at Eetood F011AFtrect I tilt Lh c1ty Utah 1 The 10 o HTFI 1Ian raw too rDTAL4 y Itadlea din ir ronm 10CII IIhlLU Wastrel I il I X I J 1 Horses Kicic I om r hptt C i it 10 0 u 0 SeU ollht I I ve In m tt J 1 0 their he 111k0m fire I iib nl fit I I r it C dueller 1 it bot is leipatololivtv l I ti I Ir r I a I ht fi I f I II I Th I w h Or 11tcriall I t ou toil hm It hul d ro dlohl h iJ r t-oil guco hit the til nl ler fce So t oollU Itfth ndRIled JO 4 Sl1cariI1g Proccss I 1J iF bell I pr ad n citc b I I otd t wuh her er I Thl hind cr n11 be Il Y r d v I rch ella g I PutnamNails 1 i1 IiIW C escluifvely totForged and 11am I h nier1olntcd prechc 1 like the old J I hd de Plitt TI 0 I wckl r > ron ct 10 0 a nol ho oc lplll flat r Break und II l J Absolutely Safe < III I ir i it i O iVv 1 ii Wtr 1 I I Vast jiSJ vs s VLIvSF1 1 J1 I Urol sitic nlrkel placed maJoJ I u rcawt 01 1 Io n is la stsW04 1 r J f I L PUTNAM NAIL COMPANY 1 srna Vshm III I i = = N i For V ly 7 C H I C ark 1 n dlcd e i cri Wu tcn 11ni 0 ire C i11 Lake ardware Co nd Ceo A Ltwc Salt Luke City U Ill t |