Show NOTES OF STIUNUE THINGS A Utah Alans liptrlmrs of llflj ifars Ago III Icntisjliaula HEIIIII Dial January 7tb 1837 I To the Editor l I commenced the journey of life November No-vember Btb 1S10 was born In Erie county ieunsjrlvanla Loat the state Hue between Pennsylvania end New York The county was sparsely settled t set-tled at that time In that region of country the people had to mate all their clothing and whatever they used UIJn 1825 my father moved six rnllci tweak lurough a dense forest took a claim ol one hundred acres of land and commenced to clear and cultivate It and make era home The following year another family I moved In I and I located two miles went of us Father and myeelf f went to see our neighbor Rod the meeting was pleasing to all Whou meal I time arrived we were Invited In-vited to Join them and partake of their lire which we willingly did It wculd b a Incredulous to tome but I will state the I facts Their bread was mixed and baked In blocks of leech wood set before a lire The chief I climb used a trough ot fallen free cutout and made smooth a plecu of clean boniomido linen spread over this top A cow was led across the log nnd placed over the dish the cloth acting as a strainer riio mi king done Ibo cow was carefully moved to one his Bread was crumbed In and nrmedjWlth wooden ipoontwo ei Joyed un excellent nun I Ibo first tulll or grain pulverlzar 1 ever saw was a huge beech stump cut cfl on top and burnt lu the center until It was of sulllclent depth to form u mortar Then It was smoothed out Rick a woodta rattle was used as a pul verlier This done a broad hoop with a buckikla rawbldu was placed on It = = = and small holes burnt In It to let the meal through and strain the hulls In 1820 there were several ol u W ex plorltii our piece in Ibo dense forest Time was a big elm tree that measured U feet In circumference That IOU the largest one In the country It was a wonder tall and Mralght audIts aud-Its branches spread out ID a wonderlu extent Close by Ibis lice wj a hollow or depression In the earII I probably twelve feet deep and ovr twenty In diameter Curiosity led mu to go town Into It When nor be bottom I was ImuKlod to a small built and as I re tested my hold I hoard a sharp ring 1 ben to tug at the bush ana ngalr beard tbu climb ringing sound lorn runcod digging way the loom lou and dirt I Gulf a t a dletuco 01 Iwo feet Mound a bell of n peculiar wake as 11 1 made by a master workman It was eight Indies loner oval In stintc no weld or scam visible had Wall brazed on the outside with a metal I 011 era er-a noJ brass oneeighth ol on Inch thlob but thelapaoof Hum nnd war ed It III Bjlno places The bell Was uf steel that was not omoUed When I Rot ldl ol 1 the bell llh I Coal bounced to ring II My father anl I those wltb him allots tn Ibo place where I found It Jlo took It and Inspected It clotolj It woe tin bait bull hu had overseen over-seen nil erlor 10 those of the present late The people that union It must have lived hero long before the I u > titans InhablluU I this country That boll waa a marvel tn all who Saw It or heard Its toile It was kept In this family for over thirty yuare and I do not know what became 01 it After learning of the turly Inhabitants of our native America through the diVinely di-vinely Inspired record the 11 OS of Mormon I Libya otuu wished for an opportunity to vltlt the place I have described and thorou bly explain It Father sold hie place and moved to Ell In 1831 Taco Incldunls I aru all frosh In my mluJ and sluco 1 then I have gathered funny Important 110m I concerning tho early Inhabit nis of tills country nil colng to prove or give external evidence ul this correclU008 od Inspiration 01 that rccoru called the nOok of Mormon J H VN NA7TA |