Show lou JUM Liirniits The conclusion reached by Irofccor Charles Kliot Norton ot liar raid university aa lo why girls chew gum la not at complimentary lo Ibo gum chewen After prolonged study bitb analytlcil and speculative Ibo professor cor come to the I conclusion that chewing gum ha such a large alo because young wonlon have nol risen far above barbiriam Tne Intimation Intima-tion of the I professor tint the gum choicer la not above barbarism probably prob-ably la correct Blues none of the cicmenta of a courteous civilization enter Into the disagreeable spectacle of cousUntly moving J WB BO oileD observed lu public But to atsort Hint gumchewing la I a oharncterlttlo ol barbarism la I hardly elating I the fact It ounot even bo Bald that that douiei tlcMeil ruminant Ibo cow li to hi clniaoil M barbarous from the chewIng chew-Ing that li V lib her almost aa constant as that of the biped who dote > on spruce Porcine wax or riBln Perhaps the fact that the Action of the cow has an clement of utility glvei that mild animal a hlchir standing than the melon gumchenir cm claim In the progress or Oil 21 liDO Gum WIDIO not an adjuutt Imbarlni and 1rof Notion dote an Injuatlco to Ibo aborlglnea In bit statements while giving the I Kum chowrrii a standing that Ihtlr alllr harmful practice does not cnt them to |