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Show SNAP SHOTS AT HOME j fNEWS Cullen's New Sign. . The new' sign in front of the Cullen hotel, ho-tel, placed there last Saturday night by Proprietor Ben B. Hey wood, is quite as dazzling as any of the gloom dlspellers that adorn the hostelrles in the theatrical district of New York. It bears the simple legend, "Cullen Hotel," in letters a foot high. Fifty-Six Members. Fifty-six members were added to the Salt Lake lodge No. 669, Knights of Columbus, Co-lumbus, yesterday afternoon. After the initiation, an elegant banquet was served to the 8c0 present. The local lodge now has a membership of over 200. Trjp to Big Cottonwood. Chairman M. E, Mulvey of the Committee Com-mittee on Waterworks of the City Council Coun-cil ancf Contractor P. 3: Moran made a trip to the Big Cottonwood conduit .yesterday .yes-terday and made an inspection of the section recently built. Mr. Mulvey states that tne new section is the best on the conduit so far built. Socialistic Address. The local Industrial' Workers ' of the World were addressed last evening by Ben F. .Wilson, one of the best known Socialist speakers in the West. Mr. Wilson Wil-son waa listened to with marked attention atten-tion by a large audience. Archaeological Society. A -meeting for the purpose of organizing a Utah society of the Archaeological Institute In-stitute of America will be held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. William F. Beer, 161 B street, next Thursday -evening. Prof. Mitchell Carroll of George Washington Wash-ington university will be present at the meeting to receive the society on behalf of the institute. Danish Sisters' BalL The Danish Sisters' society will give a ball Tuesday evening, April 17, at the Odd Fellows' building. Missionary Here. The Rev. E. Dodge, now on his way to China to engage in mission work, preached on "The Elements of New Testament Christianity," at Phillips Congregational church yesterday afternooq. |