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Show OBPHETJUE THEATEB. Next week the Orpheum will present s bill well up to Its best standard, accord-j ing to present Indications, and the exaci nature of It will not be determined until the Great Alblni necromancer, magician telepathlst and card expert, lets Mana4 ger Bates know whether or not he has escaped the dreadful San Francisco earthquake and can make his way to Salt Lake In safety. He is expected tomori row. His offering consists of card trlcM and magic, and In this work he uses only hia own inventions, none- of which are along the trite and well worn lines. . In addition to Albinl. Fuller Rose and com-t pany In a farce entitled "Slick Dick," ar e.tld to be winners, while Rawson and June offer a unique act, so far as Salt Lake Is concerned. It Is Australian boomerang throwing. In which the bent bar is thrown far out over the heads of the audlencer who can see It turn and glide back' to the hand of the thrower Ferguson and Pessmore have a singing and dancing act, which Is well up with the best In Its kind, and Is a winner wherever presented. Raymond Teal 1$ slated as a "merry minstrel," whatever that may mean, while Nellie Maguire has a promising number in "Coster Songs. 'f which should prove fetching, as 10IH songs generally are with any audience! The faithful klnodrome th's time furf hlshes a panoramic vlow of Ceylon, InJ-stead InJ-stead cf the usual tale of adventure and capture after a long chase. I |