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Show Local Briefs' Payton Inoludad Continuation of th. automobile .tair Mrvtc. batwifn Mammoth and Kunpkft la to b. mad. an aa to tnrliado th. rout, to axaon. pormlt tn do thla b'ltiK a-rantnl by th. public utlllll.a commlaalon after h.arlns. i Incorporation Fil.d Th Mrrrantll Truat mmpinr of California today fllrtt with th. arcr.tary of atnt. roplM of 1 1. article, of Inooriioratlon and appolntlnit A. C. Kllla Jr. attorn.y fur th. corporation In I'tah. Th. rranlutlon acrompanylnit thr fllin of th. documonta ala forth that It do., not tntrnd to do a banking bulnraa In Utah aa'. and pxr.pt that of art-Injr art-Injr h truntf. tindrr dr.da of trust and mortKutrra .ind arcurlnjt th. pty-I pty-I m.nt of bond., and that th. qunllflra-j qunllflra-j tloua nf th. companv aa a fnr.lxn ror- poration ar. upon th. rxpr.aa Condi-j Condi-j Hon that It ahall conduct no othrr biiMlnwa. Th. r.pltnl of the rum jnanv la four million dollar.. .lohn 1 8. Drum la ttrrfli-b-nt and H. M. W..h j aocrrtary. Th. fllinlt fr. wai I100S. j Aged Man Injurod J. P. Dnhlqiilat. ;l. 10X1 M.irrtaon av.nu.. Buffered a j pott.ibl. frartur. of hla left ahouldrr and numcroiia brul.ra about th. far. and head whrn h. ffll fnm th. t.p of an aiitiiunbil. he wii rnt.rlnir at Twenty-flrat Potith and Rtat. atrrrta Tunaday nlaht. lMihlqulat waa taken to the .mera-fney hoapital and later removed to hla home. Bridg. Badly Damag.d The I'tnh atut. road commlaalon la ndvlaed that the hrldjt. a roaa th. rinta river near Kort lxichean. haa been badly damaged by lilsh water, one of the abutment! having been destroyed, and that effort, are being made to aav. th. aiiper.trurture. Th. rnmmlntlon ha. loaned advertlarment for pro. tio.nla for the cnnatructlon nf the Itoldrn-Knno.h highway In Millard county, the prnpo.ala calling for th. gravel nurfaclng of twenty-five mile. rf road. ' Low.r Court bu.taln.d-Frr. Hn. dera In the dtatrlct court of Weber county Instituted action ngalnut Andrew An-drew Hunter to rTmer a n-nl eetat. broker', commln.ton. The rase wn. henrd by Judge J. N. Kimball, who found that th. plaintiff waa not entitled en-titled to any commianlnn and that tudgment b. entered In favor of Hunter, and from thla der..n Handera Han-dera appealed to the aitprem. court. In an opinion written by Justice J. K. Ylck th. supreme court affirms th. derlalon of th. lower court. Auto Pormit Modifiod Application mud" by Chris Anderson fur a permit to operate an. automobile stage line between Heber and Roosevelt via Duchesne and Myton made to th. publ'c utilities commlaalon waa today denied, hut he was given a permit to operate an auto atnge lino b.tw.n' H'rber and Dui heane. "Cri.nd" Takn 1Sft Michael Shee-han. Shee-han. S. reported to th. nolle he waa robbed of IM by a man he befriend-J ed and took to hi! room at th. Lincoln Hnu.e hotel Tuesday night, ftheehnn said he bit ended lo v, ln, man a night's lodging and then tak. him to Park city with him. where he could obtain work. He aald h. did not know th. man', nam.. Qirli' Club Form.d Th. girls employ, em-ploy, d In thf federal office, of th. city ar. org.nl.lng a club which will b. known aa the Krdoral Olrls' club Th. charter member1! are: riladya Hlx. Myrtle Rrown. (Irar. Klarka Dorothy (lereke. Klorenr. Anderaon! Hortenae Hinckley. Klnrenre Hprlnger Nell. Maxwell. Kthel Y. Jacob.! Daphn. Smith. Vera Jean Alseen, Vlr-glnlalndsay, Vlr-glnlalndsay, laab.ll. Kowler. H.rtha M. l"Jm& Kran McCurmick, Aletn l Tanner. Lucid McCandleaa. Halel Oa-borne, Oa-borne, Clara I). Chrlal la risen, Kileen Lt, Barn.a, M. Hackett, M. Latimer, father fa-ther Cbrl.ten.en. Marl. Htromnea!, Katella K. ( riddle. Aggie M. Tetera. Laurn R. Comatock, Jtnita Ianbly, Klhelyn ttarkatram, K. Lou 1-awla, Clarlc. J. Cook, Kva P. Hamlin, Juan-It Juan-It a West, La Hu. (ereenlng. Maud. E. Tnomaa, Lyal. Chrlal.naen, Desa Hnel grove, Orace Nelson. Vera Kelt, Forrest For-rest M. Humner, Klorenc. Mldgley, Kale y Burton, Julia C. Laval, Mary H Hardin.' Klihy H. Williams. ( L. Hlnebart. K.leanor Hnyder, Angle R. lllrkford. Mary Wataon Covrtta, Dora Montagu.. Report on Irrigation, F. L. Bixby. senior government Irrigation engineer, la assisting H, A. Hart, governm.nt dralnag. engineer. In making a report re-port of th. pronoa.d drulnag. plana for a portion of th. Newlanda Irrigation Irriga-tion district, at Kallon, N.v. Mr. Klxby and Mr. Hart visited th. district dis-trict during May and ar. now engaged en-gaged In formulating th. Information which they .ecured. Construction' Camp Robbed Thirty stlrki nf giant powder, too feet of fuse gnd a qu!ntlty of randy, chewing gum and tobacco w.r atol.n from lb. grading camp of th. Pickering Conr atructlon company In Emigration canyon can-yon Monday night, according to a report re-port made to th. sherlffa office D.ni.a Chock Ch.rg.. Arthur Pmurkler pleaded not guilty to a charge of paaalng a fictitious check In lha illy court yesterday. N.w Trial Sought. Motion for new trial was filed yesterday In the rasa of K.lmrr Itrrg against the Newhoua. hotel. Newhoua. Hraliy urid !bmi-ville !bmi-ville Hotel companies. In which Berg was recently awarded IliSO damage, for Injuries received In un elevator uc-cldeni uc-cldeni ut the Newbouse hutd. March 21. Complaint Too Lurid. Jim Murphla. held on a llliel charge, waa ordered released by District Judge M. L Hitch!, on habeas corpus pHM-eedlnga brought by Attorney John K. Tobln yeaterday. The complaint agatnat Murphla wal couched In language which city Judge lien Johnaon would not permit to be read In court and Murphla could not he arraigned when he appeared for that purpose several das ago. Kiwanian. MM Thuradly, Th. regular weekly luncheon of lb. Ivi-wanla Ivi-wanla club will be held Thur.day at the Hotel I'tah at 1Z:1! o'clock. Chester Ches-ter Drill will presld. William Kob-rts Kob-rts will .ntertaln with long! gnd !torles. The attendant', prise will be donated by O. Gordon Adama. I Claim. Filed. Creditor, of th. con-c.rn. con-c.rn. who alleged that their claims aggregated II! 146. filed a petition In the t'nlted States dlatrict court yeaterday yea-terday tn declare the Ktate Milling and Rlevator company of Cache Junction a bankrupt. The creditora are John Jenkins of Newton. J. K. Malmberg and Kara Kame. of Iogan It Is alleged that the company committed un act of bankruptcy on February 28, when It tranaferred certain property to the I'tah Ktate National bank. |