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Show ALMQN PREDICTS FORDSUCCESS Believes House Will Favor i Shoals Offer ; WASHINGTON, .In ni 2 -Action by enngresa In Appropriating1 t7.Mto.ooo for work on the dam mrunn that "Dip completion com-pletion of the Muscle Btin.iU deyeb.p-mfnt deyeb.p-mfnt U now a certainty." Representative Representa-tive Almnn. A I t tm mil, In whoae district dis-trict tin- nltmte plant Ik located, declared de-clared today in it statement. Mr Almon predicted that Hnr Vtinl a offer for Muacle Hhoal would le "accepted by the house hy a bin major if v when li reconvene In August," "Members of the house will have n opportunity rluring the rfni t r study the Ford offer nd ascertain tin- aen-llmtnt aen-llmtnt of thir constituents on thj subject, sub-ject, " said Mr. Almon. "and a h re- nit the pro-Pord sentiment will It mo strong that the )ead rt In the house 'III I if it lad to give um h vote nn t ho Knrd offer, which will reanlt in un nv crwhHmlnf majority In favor of Ha Acceptance." |