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Show Nyla. "the am II Ing- one. as aha la railed ' In tha email North Hudson Hay trit of r aklmoa of which aha Is tha reign-Ing reign-Ing beauty, will aver maka a pranl aopearant a" at a public allowing of the onderful mot Ion picture feature of which aha la the herolne"N'anook of tit. North," ah.ortly to he released throughout the world by Path. Nvla, although destined to been me a screen favorite, haa only tha vagueat Idea of civilisation. liar horn la a tent of aklna In tha eummer and a enow lsuio' In the winter, and her favorite delicacy ta raw seal meat. The only whlta man she ever met eicept two or three fur traders adventur'ns; further rortk than usual la Itnbert J. rTaherty, who "featured" her In hla photoplay, after nearly ten years of '.ending Mir William Mackenale axpedltlna Into tha Isolated and fro ten limits of North IdSbrador. At flrat ths Keklmft beauty waa "camera ehy"; but aa all she had to do aa a potential acreen favorite waa to keep on with her ueual occupatfona, aha soon accepted the "grinding machine' aa ons of ttiplorer Flaherty s mystarl-oua mystarl-oua too I a of hla bualneee. I In order to make aur that certain canes wars well photographed, Mr. Flaherty mad Journeys to the nearest trading; post, wher ha had Improvised a daveloptnar sad or In tins: laboratory and could screen the reaulta of hla labor la-bor a. Hut It waa Impossible to turn a akin tent or a anuw tar loo Into a projection pro-jection room, and ai it Is Improbable that "tha amlllng one" will aver behold hereolf on tha alWer a best. Movie Star Cannot Appear PenonaUy Every movie ran wants to aea his or her particular acreen favorite la the ' fleah, but there la ana Inatanca whea , tha fan either aea' will bp dieappolnt-ad. dieappolnt-ad. ror U la extremely doubtful U |