Show HIGH SCHOOL BOY I I IS GOOD COMEDIAN I Maurice buri e tb the tho popular hi high h school chool bo boy and com comedian has made good goodin oo I i in n vaudeville He lie appeared j I afternoon at nt the Orpheum U Rosy Bosy Rosy appeared in a 1 monologue with his llo log dog Sp a n little plaster planter of paris pAri dog dos and amid cracked jokes that would snake make the dullest dulet laugh au h. h His llis jokes lokes arc are all al new and ori original inal and are nrc told in a clover clever cover anc wa way 8 Ho Tie tan sang two clever tr ele songs n s one of which was as written b by himself Yesterday rda was Wa the first time lime that Rosy Bogy ever appeared on 01 tho stage tn e and no one who ho saw him act could doubt for a minute that ho will wi make mak good in this profession Bion U nosy Bosy in iR is a senior at the hi high h school and is a great favorite |