Show t r For tto people who are ar run down and nOU nervous ner n- OU who suffer from Indigestion Indication or d dys- dys I h headache biliousness ls or torpid 1 liver coated tongue with bitter blUer taste lasto In n I the morning and poor appetite it becomes necessary to turn to some om tonic or strengthener Mr which will assist Nature and nd help them thorn to get Ket et on their fe f tt x t and put the body Into Inlo It Its pro proper r condition It Its 1 Is s becoming more moro anti and more apparent that Natures Nature's most valuable health hulth giving ns agents ar are to be found In forest plants and root roots roote nD early tort forty years run a ago o. o Dr R. R V. V Pierce Pierce no now cs consulting on physician to the th In Invalids Invalids' hotel OM and Sur Surgical Institute a at nt I X T i y discovered l that IJ by scientifically ex- ex and 1 combining certain medicinal j ex-j s from native roots taken from I I rut Jr American forests torts he tie could produce a l which AIch was WA marv marvelously U N j Eli in curing cases caH 1 of or blood disorder and liver H I f CM n d trouble as ll well an as many other k chronic or lIn ing ailments aliments This concentrate con con- d extract of or Natures Jre al vitality he h named n Gold Golden n Medical Pl Discovery covery It It pt Ales s the blood b by putting the stomach I B Ill in J t liver er r Into healthy condition thereby ping lae the digestion and assimilation of or I J fod t feda ds the blood Thereby It JI Weal stomach indigestion 1 torpId A 4 ll hr er or and kindred derangements derange derango- cm c- c m ments nta I r ir A i It Happens Every January l SOME PLAIN FACTS lOur Our Store and md Stock Is always clean S No hugs bugs here Our ShOES are alays alays always al al- al- al ays ways of or a salable kind I It m may j- j not be amiss for tor us to ext ex express ex- ex t press preAS the confidence we e have and do enjoy In this Intermountain coun country rY from mm l the tho tor foremost t mo and r a pr es 1 ti There Th-ro must mun b b. b some me r reason aon nor tills this confidence Ark Aek your friends or or your sour nel neighbors thy they will Ml tell you ou our ain aln has always alws been ben to sell lIell you footwear ear c r absolutely lr satisfactory to t you ou It If w we make A A. mistake we gladly right i. i it V. V We Ve arc are originators of at styles sad We keep In constant touch with astern shoe hoe e style originators We Ye cha caas pur- pur on spot Pot cah carh has basis 18 and shoe shoe- i. i manufacturers seem to be anxious to do tf fY everything c In their power to sails sails- IIa U- U Uti ue If you ou are lir not already O a y BACK BACK El SHOE WEARER t r Fount we f your our e. e and hope to be honor honored d by R a visit from OU whether 1 You ou Intend purchasing or Of not e MOH sJ r MAIN STREET I II I CARE OF SYSTEM HARD HARDON HARDON ON THE WHITE PLAGUE I I Dr John all Sund of ot the university medical al department delivered ered a talk yesterday on tho subject of tuber tuber- culosi A week tek ago the doctor spoke on the spread of the disease e and yesterday yesterday yes yes- es he spoke pokA on means of fighting it U The The disease is iR bt best t combated by hv the building up of the tho re resisting qualities of the tho system tem to such an extent that the bacillus is if unable to find sufficient nourishment in the tho This is system 83 51 cm accomplished ac lC accomplished d b by a largo larro amount of ff fresh air and sunshine and pure food said a id the do doctor tor If the system stem is is properly cared for the probabilities of the disease dis dis- ca ease easo o gaining ninin a foothold are lessened ened and a euro cure is possible be I SPECIAL SEDUCTION REDUCTION I A A. A G. G McIntyre Royal Tailors Judge Reductions that are money mont savers a clothes that embody character The shoe ho wise are buying Money Money- one y Back Shoes Entire stock tock on sale DA DAVIS VIS SHOE CO Made up overcoats trousers rs suits suits nit tailor made Big Dig saving ins Daniels HAVE YOU SALARIED POSITION I We Will Lend Lond You Money We c do not eo compel eo you ou to borrow more moro than you ou nee d Wedo We do do not require you OU I to borrow a um 1 for a lon longer er p period than you need nee it We stop your our interest inter est eat on your Jour loan at any time that you JOI I are lire able to make mako make a settlement We cut down your our interest or stop it altogether in case you fall sick or lose lOBe your em- em ATLAS LOA LOAN N CO D. D F F. Walker BIds Genuine price cutting cutting ale sale at Sal Sale Sickle tho the jeweler 33 Main St. St I tr DRS W WARD WAED MEYER mYER I Dentists I garnered to tn U 1 Tn Judge Only One BROMO QUININE that 1 Is La Laxative Bromo romo 4 Quinine on every es rP box a Cold Coldin In One Day C Grip in 2 Pays Ys SPECIAL I Call at WILCOX GROCERY CO Col I 16 South Main I and have havo a cuff cuy o of Hewlett's Heulett's deI delicious de de- de- de delicious I licious Uncolored Japan Tea Our OurI I young lady demonstrator will be bei i pleased pleaded to serve you as she I knows you win will always use this tea afterwards I I Try Telegram Want Ads THE LAST DAY DA V OF I 11 J ear l The Most Talked 0 01 Event in Utah OPENS THIS MORNING WITH t The Biggest Reductions and Greatest ValDes Ever Known The whole in a nutshell nutshell We We do not propose to carry carryover over any of 01 i this JERM AUERBA seasons season's goods and ii if doubly cut cot prices prices and un mica le values will vill do do dothe the 1 work merchandise will literally wa walk lk out of the e Auerbach Aurach e store today Read digest es Come COIne today and see for or yourself o urea 71 A- A B BLEACHED WHITE E. E I LJ 3 ED I J r WHITS HITE BI BED BEDSPREADS D W WHIT HIT Hr BE BED BEDSPREADS D MUSLIN T SPREADS SPREADS Cut to a yard yard yard- Cut to a yard yard yard- Cut to each each each- Cut to each each each- 41 1 51 1 y A c 77 c S B l 1 1 t r 1 APRON T BED WHITE nED BED BEDSPREADS WHITE BT BED BEDSPREADS GINGHAMS SHEETING T 1 SPREADS k SPREADS Cut to a y yard yard yard- ard Cut to a yard yard yard- Cut t to a each ench- ench h. h Cut to to each 51 4 C ONE tlE o AEl NEVER UNDERSOLD The Best 7 l 1 S SHAKER A y CREPE GREPE ALBATROSS S 25 2500 LADIES LADIES' COATS 1175 WHITE BED BEDSPREADS D WHITE BED BEn BEDSPREADS DRESS FLANNEL L 30 aG inch all wool Albatross s s all colors color HOSE SUPPORTERS SPREADS SPREADS 1 Coats of extra material good worth PRINTS n Cut to to a yard yard yard- sale th the a e at o grade r d e on Fancy elastic or satin atin top fully 9 5 0 on 75 Cut to each each each- Cut u ut t to e each each each- Cut to a yard yard yard- 8 all colors on sale at lOc 1 0 C sale at c C FANCY COLORED SILKS INFANTS INFANTS' DRESSES 1 1500 00 DRESS SKIRTS r n 30 C A splendid assortment of fanc fancy col col- r I rr ij 00 r I 00 16 3 2 C 11 WHITE r WOOL T ores ures Silks n oW Iks r S in checks quality I t stripes and fig fir figures Infants Infants' long on or short Dresses an almost al al- Ladies Ladies' ne new stylish models of oC Panama 11 WHIT BED BEDSPREADS ED W rH NI JTB T hr BEn BED BEDSPREADS r TT T sale most endless variety to choose from or Voile oile worth fully funy 75 t i T T on sa 0 at yard r CANTON FLANNEL all well made maile find aria neatly trimmed in 1500 r on sale halo at SPREADS SPREADS SP E 4 DI lace or embroidery embroider values ranging FL FLANNEL liU Cut to a yard yard yard- a up to on Cut to to each each each- Cut ut to to each each each- h- h sale pale at nt Cut to a yard yard yard- and and FUR SETS 1 89 2 38 1 LADIES LADIES' GOLF GLOVES 9 91 T I i i Rich brown Coney Cony Fur Sets worth w-orth full fully All sizes sizes s. s in a t great elt vanet variety IVF INFANTS INFANTS' INTS lJ TS' TS J JACKETS i Oc OO 00 They They'll 11 1 r 1 r of styles sale axle at 66 on j Infants' Infants knitted Jackets an and a l variety tr go 10 at 2 9 95 CO COM 1 l t 1 l. l of Cashmere ere Jackets neatly WHITE 1 J BED BEDSPREADS J W WHITE J INDIA P-DI 1 I CO Bred a a great reat variety to choose from SPREADS LINON COMFORTS J Cut to each each each- U to worth north up to JOe each Up P C 4 t Cut to to each each each- 1 89 CHILDRENS CHILDREN'S OUTING FI FLANNEL T on sale at 1200 FUR FUn THROWS S I uGa Cut ut to each each each- Cut Cutto to to each each each- 1 58 GOWNS GOYNS Tu dust t 21 of these handsome Fur Throws 2 98 51 2 JOe SHORT KIMONOS left rit worth fully 1200 so Made MatIe of splendid quality outing flannel The They'll II go o at nt 6 00 all sizes on oneale Dozens Dozen of oC pretty fl flannelette short Ki Iii q val 1 1 1 sale eale at t worth orth fully POc Oc C CI AI ALL L i. mona monao as I 9 74 BLANKETS l 1 on tale Sale lc at Il WHITE T I INDIA DIA WHITE T I INDIA DIA BLANKETS CHILDREN'S CHILDRENS COATS COIT S 1100 o T BLANKETS I LINON O LI LINOS O t Ti Cut to to a pair pair pair- CHILDREN'S CHILDRENS S ROMPERS 1 lf 6 a 3 Cut t to 0 a a. a pair pair pair- Best Bost Grades at 30 00 O LADIES LADIES' i COATS 1595 1 15 0 1 5 Bearskin Coats for far the little lit lit- Cut to a j-ard j yard yard- C Cut ut to a 1 Jar yard yard yard- d 3 Handsome 1 58 30 Made lade o of best Amoskeag C Gin Gingham ham plain Handsome dressy y Coats COlts worth fully tIc the tots from rom 3 to fl ii 11 years worth 91 1 or striped Jt 1 all grades r e P O in in this 1 1595 15 fully 4 today they'll 1263 A ts C c on sale at OV sale pale at i go at lOc 5 DC SC 0 1 TOWELS T TOWELS MISSES MISSES' KID LADIES' LADIES GOOD CI Childrens Children's tl J s' s and JT T BED SKEET SHEETS WHITE INDIA T Cut to each each each- RUFFLED SHOES GRADE STORM STOR I Outing g Flannel Flan Flan- Children's Childrens s r LINON C Cut t t to each h n 0 Ladies Ladies' C Cut ut t to 0 each each- each ac h Jersey With Patent tip ip nel Skirls Head car wear 51 51 1 2 BATEN BERG BATTENBERG B and d extension RUBBERS ribbed cream 1 Cut to to a 3 yard yard yard- d 3 C soles sales sizes Made fado o wi with th waist Wor Worth th u up p to y 2 0 0 vests c t and p pants ants 44 C CURTAINS to 2 2 on sale saJe 31 at Go at a pair pair pair- extra good 3 0 On sale at nt- nt medium h heart n 19 pair pai r- r g rude grade on sale eale fleeced al all sizes C Cut to at a pair pair pair- at at- at regular values val 31 12 l 1 ues on oft sale at- at at 9 60 o 69 9 i ts TOWELS ELS c c 9 i TOWELS 1 1 29 19 C C BED SHEETS Cut to each each each- Cut to to each each each- Cut to to each each each- BED SHEETS 1 YOUTHS YOUTHS' t es' es Cut to each each each- 71 c SCHOOL L MEN'S MENS S FIRST Infants' Infants and Suits Underwear wear ar 66 c 59 1 u 0 SHOES SliDES QUALITY Childrens Children's r C n s Rays Boys hea heavy hea vy Eiderdown extra Ladies Ladies' fast black C ruC TABLE LINEN T With extension RUBBERS H ec f union suits Y ribbed Zoe u TOWELS TOWEL soles aria and leather W Worth 0 rth up to 00 aU all sizes regular Tights flights J II open Oren P or WHITE 1 t I 1 ITE INDIA IA 7 DC closed Io R all 1 D. D a sizes R TOWELS Cut to a yard yard yard- lined s sizes t zes lad All AU sizes and at a p prices ricer according size I e J. J to 2 2 Values S 25 par pair i- i A Cr great at variety to size up to SOc in In tt the tho 0 best est i Sc LI LINON O TABLE 0 LINEN LIEr T Cut to each each each- Cut Gut to each each each- go 0 at at- at on OD sale at at- at on OD sale at at- at qua quality 1 y on sale sille 98 at at- at Cut to a pair pair C Cut u t to a yar yard yard yard- d C C C 90 25 45 c c C Ci Ch I I h |