Show MINING IN I SOUTHERN IDAHO F E Wilson Reports Activity In the Mineral Hill District IIn i lN4ltUJt MIXE IN I OIIH 7 i Hutuin l 1110 1111 101111 I Ihl 1iibi IrrI 0 1 11 10 00aiisalaIrIrn Thi mlnr of noulhrrn Mill anl en pKlally 11100 11 I bog within ih mnrlnr nf Mineral 11111 Mlnlnit ilntil h I nlnl a mllo nnd u half from Hi lmn if llcllcMir ircrlrl tho ntimlinn f I i Wllnn I ho loot frn la > n tot rottot boil tIlt I oomlll I flrtltIaO oblIll nil InquIring frknl llr iroxull That tho rhmlnir 10 I manntnirnt Is I lh Mhllrl wllh uhlrli lltry rrtiiin Mr Vllnm PlatIng lliot IM I wa illlchtfl wIll bin country lvllrln a Im I illl that ho I mlnrralltnllon i > lnlM lo tho oinlnic > of many Me nIne 1 Yiir nro tlm Mlmrnl Illll diUNt mntrlltulM litrcely I lo I ilaloI rnrlat ulltput lot nt 11 l Ih mini h Intl I prnrtlrally < tmrir nml II Ii i lIly junt II few month hark Ihal I nllntln wa again directed tn that IH nlll II I her that the IVad Html omlY Innl it record I ly hlpplng firm III holllngii orr which wrnt Ila hliih 0 tan to the I ton and hen1111 I whrrr blot porn oonrr Ik lrom n IsIy if I PlV0rtIIIrbY mnll Umnln Ih puin of 111011 Thl old mlnr I now the invprrty of Ihr Vally Vlrn 1 OlIn InK tumpnny vhlrh nini nrllrir of Incorporation In-corporation In Ihl rlt > n wrk or nn da > agi Tin proper nintliu of four ilaliii anl hm orr niitiliu from M to lb It > r Clot Irnd and TJ to I IH root Filter to Ihn Ion U I > It 01101 il ly 1 n wifool lunnrl Ol which I I rk It btrri of in < Ian itet lot lo I otlk tlI IIIIUIIlIl Ih IlInll1 unl r II4ittl I hlmnry in n how of nnnr llnic nlili iIa mnlll Iil I > wltliln Ihlrly lay I If thl It I aninnililir l Iho lomiwny will I I not IH tong I nl In niinllliK llwlt 1 ni < iin th liiHm Mr OChi poupaya Ihnt In bitt I Mlnwtl Illll illilrlil whlih I in iliA In till 0 thr I nnililiral1 lullxlly nl I m > rni lMltr th nliinlii nf no l In Hint rntlon unl h 1 Ioka l for n mill I l to i in In Hi I p rIot ua nrnt lttlpI Ito I-to llnn I inkrn In i Ih = nun I 17H Ml 1 h lo Ilm rnnili II I It rlow roilinUr li II lUll nitrlrullural i > lIun > h I > < rmp Iho I nii > rnr nrro lplIttt Itii pulilnir I a gotI Oral nf enuit l > Ah mii Ihr hinl of Ibto farnir 0tlIlf whom nt alxi 1 Inlrrrflnl In the I mini Amonn Ih InCrIto nnn 1lnll t Morknl II I Ilio CIHIII ltbltri 1 h I n linrr mmpnny otllt PnIbo i li I ink ininry nut if Ita hoUlitK oilirr Ulnic ilrrlo l ly I rllhir Imurr or cmnr ntf Ihn lloiw million M In ll rr Ja > loull Tlplop il Min Hl r Ii rTr n nor liln k Clnlrr Wnlt Tour ami Iaio ill if hlih look rry irnmUliiK on lunltrr Onok 20 mum IlUnt a numUr nf turn ar wotklnit nn pro Imin 0 hh II > Irli I KOOI rrlunt In th irllow mital Thru proinl I I urc In whl Ia I known OP lOt ll I > lly gIi 111 aol III faIr In ilolnic nIl h I for lhilii ftnInt0 K Nnh Itrro Iere Art apbn Si 1 ttuol purrr vhll ryanlillntf I rarrliHi nn iirmiriH rOle Hi 47 < r illimrrrnl llne nr u ihnrnilrr rhnllar tn tlmt fun nI nt Mrrrur Mrir lOll Ian I ro11 hnl iulli > nn rnjoynblo I tlniK whll In I Mali Ilia Sfiulfinn RoInK nut rinhlna nml hunt log nn rnouihimi o Ill Iy lam A n mull hOi > hul Iroiil nml Pili bIll for lirrakrnit vthlih I nn urrntly npprrrl aim li I > iMitli nllhrr uf whom nm ar rililoninl l urh illfhn In I Ih mlMI if Mlnlrr It Ia I lmlrritixI Ihal lr rrniall 0 a itrrnt rubbll liuntrllml II I If Ihr I rablll air hlln thry ran I nwIlly inn In Iho now TI ilorlor 1 hot ut on nml ntowI l II MhirriiHin I Ihr fo < y Illll lunnl ran nff imly In nlurn A momrnt lUll 1 ami 1 itrt Hhut na Inlrnilnl for 1I1lh flrnt plurv fn Irlllhtrl nr Ihr irrnlli mrii with thr 01 i < irt affonlnl Ihal thy lntn rrlurnlnir In lh I uminrr In Ify I thrlr bk In lolh Minm nnl rinyon I linn Illlr iaopi l 0rh Th r Ilnnni III > romiwny oprullnir III Is I Ijkl mlnliiK lltrlrl u I hoUI In uwn III for M ami 100 foot nf IUUII 04Ik Itit nmmnl In I IK I at Ibis tbb I4btbt t Hi nuniuiny On hill nrniiml a Iniinil i iia bet I uriirn Jia frt illirlonlrir > lx 1 Inlrrnltrln Mhuli II I Ihouihl will roinii Innnhrr ottO nn nllltlon vi nr M t1 of work Thai 111 inlaht IM I I nnnrtr MInI the Inn I-nn rrrrnily lab I 111 1 a halfrrnt a I w rm > nl nhlch will fully lbrp t IOn run Irart I iilxiut to Iw I 11 Floor InKrminl In Iho llmitUlle are aiiKUlnn i nt ul llmnlo lrCCn > thilr faith I logS log-S IrriiKllunnl fiom llnw in I limn ly I plrailnE illKlonurr vf n gool lailo if Ituil 1 orr 1l > luu il II lillrr I lib Taylor 41110 ram In from Mrrrtir Ul rtrnlnir M > Ihal I Iho Monnrrh nn lit WI Hip Im rnrounlrnil ho irl ul udylltohUUttOfrlTbilllt I hIt 1110 osoourrp leu for fulum urrrw 10 1 In nllolnlnic 111 lorlien rim blur unillilonn Iii > nlliilnnl 1 tho llrnt nrr rnrnunti i runnlne in luriirr nml richer NullH Tli Monarrh too nII4I1Y lion uKrmsl lo I IKMI Its Hwk nnl II nlll Iiatraftpr IK I fmml nn the markrt antI vttllnl 0 lIt thvr unllttMl on Iho rlrIunot Tinlny li irmtMl null a IIIar IIn1 II pnI StltUllIt thiaogl hnl St 44 11111 Ii ahoy Tlr > liliil The WiudiliietonIVIiMii Mining com lany nrtli lr if I In oriwrntlnn I w hill imtp l rn pent on 11 llntvrr for Ill Ing rmlrari In I 11 holding a group of trn claim knoun n < lh Washing Ion mlnr nnl lung lul n ulurt ill Inner fInn Ih I oat OUO lloni rilhw whlih ha n rri I of iltr and u half million In I 110 lit n 1 Tho Windilng Ion cumr 10 Ih front 1 Hmrlhlng Ilkr n > mr umi whrn ih Nrita cuiunliirit purll ulim of it > ry liuKrtunl SIl Its IhriTln Hlncr in n II tInts hil r ItwI no Him in It ilrvilopnirnl tinlll lit pirwnl Crtirts l u r Wllnr of tool mrv iKidla In ihr ililfl from Ihr h7OfI l Ittrl Ihr m tnpulif will It I or Kiinltnl n mmn r Jame Hharp our or thr lmoi I h11ro4tr rriurn from Ihr ISil Ihe genii man IHiiK In Nrw Voik nl pmrnl al Hi ImKldr of hi ron John who to I nllM Il I wllh pnrummla I nrkj I 1117 > llh7g to I The Iurky lloj Mining compuny Ino 011 alltl Ii r III bOrftItlt buIlt Ih llrlort nl 1101 lIt IoN > flkrIIlr IIlIu J lInrIII M II 1101011 Iu lnh 111 CtO J IIontnhl llooh litrlp 111010 11111I 1111 I IrI F lIlblUrrh bloll Ink Th rnlItIllla lion I IKHHI in 4l0II allorcoitiu nl 10 < 111 it mill nnl III I inipuny i on Ihn I Vlnll MilKliollit nml Lucky II < lY group nl 1111I in lOp Tlnllo iilirlrl 1 lIon J IIonrhl II I 1ra il1y114 rn I T MKInrrln K rtur > ubtI 71 1 II IIlIw Ml tiriiiuni ho ithtil 133gto J lltnroll nml Ilmrlri 11111 IlItllI Ih lK > ril nf bin llI 1 h iotla Oh liliiKlii III Iha Pit hobo > U wu OIl > litIti Ihul htltllft It I Ulni of Marina Washington Monurrh M 1 Klnl y and DrkHn I urfk i would bn nlloucil iimimr P t ItO linllilnl Thrvr p url I I H I hnr Urn I ilcrnrd 1 of Mini lent Im ponan r i hr I dinll 1 I Illb tn liar1 I and th manner In nhlili I mIni r thrnt wrr gotir aflrr toda Il0O Uv I nhm lint Ihrrr I ulillr n ilrmnnd I tnrn Mrthn Washington tprnotPnm I prnmllng rios In th TIn tIIatp I I i I i and lniilrd it itgi > l llgurr I Aiarr nlllllln IOn I en IIIIIY II In lrlgnn Irnl on wiVi i > lmrr 7001 Iing put i In Ihr irrury Thl hloik Ut Im mrdl I lrly rold nl I I O1ObntlpOn ri Flit I I mlnr ha I n rtmfl 110 fort dm and Ihr mpiiiiy b hn nrrlr 171 In I II trr n nry wllh whlh I to pindt ilr < ipmrni I I I work ISo j I I So llnlllllk llllllrnl SIn klttrrn In I Ills lltilllonllmk 0 lit In I it llttli illnp lnled lo loot Hull 1111 company will not 1 pn I > a Jnnunn tIll ItIbI on lOt Huh lni Ihr dale 1 upon whlih the irgulnr dltldrnd I de 1 tlarnl Ihr dlrnlor look adjourn mrnt until Inlay lul In Ibo Interim II wa derklM in hold no Minting tiIt menlh and a conllngly n further adjournment 1 ad-journment oba ink n unlit llie inth or mil month ilm htiillng mil I all hop of n January iMymrni Thl 0l4i clnn relleri m no wlfr I on I I In ronll lion ur Ihr mlnr n from n 11101 l l foiirrea II I liunl I Ihal Ito I i ° 4 la I In rrcellvnt hap and Ihal In I II loner leel epr < lall > Krallf > lnn mt rtM haS allrndMl dtrlnpmrni wrk There I Iherefoc nn ppnrfni ran for u llxonlliuiiw nf 4IIdpotlhalhtb4 lime llrrrgl tniill Mrrllng Thr llHtulm Mining c mln 1 > hrll I II annual I inrrtlnc In Ihl illy lll morning when Ihr Illn bomb wn r I PlwIwh to rrvr for itt rnllln yrar th 1 PnP Ivlmr malr up n 0 follow H J IVIIork pmldrni Mi Hmlth mr I ul t r lrorgr 1414 03 loom irniinrri anl l > J IVillmk the rrmalnlng ill I rector Io prrwnl llalenr1 lo I Ill midlng of report I which rhowr1 Hi priimy lo 1w I In I rxrrllent rlint anl wlil h hroimhl out a rroluton llrnl i Ing Ihr pulling on of an Incrraml 1 ft of mrn In onlrr 1 lOll I iletrlopmrat mlhI Im I lnhPI M > oroiily Thr lIt Chile 110 I Lion hill Illllr ilimr to lbt 2nrllrt 1IhI Amrnl II tillIf I Thr Orllil Mlnlnic inmpuli t 1 nil nil inirndnu to II atllrl of lmur > r 0IIttb Wllh 110017 11ok lIuIr It I I II Io Chabie or 1111 I In bIll 4 aol II nn1 gbi0 Itt 0 tItto oIl rr lo I bonn I l11U i n In 1 nl II iruk nnl I 10 11401 1 10 atop II ilit 01111 lgft Ill IflIrTIY aol Itll II ttrhi sit 1 Ior I uns Iblo AIIII Ik 10011 Itrn aol ike Ih sho It 11 aiHwaal l not In nowal l nn unl n loOt CIII Ir Illtra 1h 0 or 1 Ir I then thai thr unIt lryPIi l k 1 plaIt rnn li > l ur ilOl MialM Ih t prrrldnl 1 lOP rom In > In I II 0 V IViwr I ami Ihr prrrrlnr I JooIll 1llIlI1an I j1jnllp AdJ lnlmc th loittp l AI lIIu loll in lilt norm aol 0 ri bo I Ih Uitl I ChIef mln in nhlrh n mrlk nr or g311uonIlrrr II M noll nnd II IP itili 11 I lr los jU1 I ItoIt 1 Th tJln wiiVTauulit on IhT ivf t Irtrl nnl 1 lltm uih I rlmr of prr I mnnrnry that UIOIH Itootti Ann urnttly rnrnurnitr1 A-nn 0 Ihm Mall ruilii anl r I T Mriiunln nr ihu illy aol 1 r II I Hulllian JOn I Drlnill and John lbrIeoll I of linrrkn Mmn whll Ih Hulls 1 and Illll IMI Ii I In prim rondlllon aol tlnx nvralln II look for a blic ptrlkx alniom hr dy b JIIMJ it MIMMI MIS TIn hIr n tither Irlail ml I toitay with U bta tf 021110 Oe Thr Utah llvllnl of UO1 wa hall ifliy mnklnj th compan tolal 1107 o 1107T TIn tiuh nnd IiiUnii l > ilh nf nh Pprlnn an nn Iho rnmi with KOOI or rhlpmrnli Mr nnl Mr IMVItt II Loot and Mr II II Wllon nr Ihl illy 101 l M morrow for u trip IhniUKli Houlhrrn California Mrtur Illli > plr ivlr Cnlburn llu h and Mclluriln huo Urn I up Imlnlnl by th rtrhanxo u mmmlltn nn nomlnallnK a Kotrrnlnc 1wrI l Nntr of lamlldalr tan br I hamlnl M rlihrr of Ihn Klitlrnini Thr Ynunir Alnrrlnt Hold MlnliiK r mMii > imnliiK ililm nl Turunru IOrh 0 riimt 1 in I II lo ntnlt btrlop iiinl woik 00 IKIII n a lrlnit lI0P 1 up Almidy Ihrr Ia I a goI l plo big In I Ihr mln Ihl ImMnif iwo I Ii rlti Itt nbout lI l > ronllnuou < work on n fniall poi and th n 0 nr hnw tn 1 lIlt II on n latin li > l by I Inrrranlnit I Ih nil forrr and Iuhlnll matlir yiimll I |