Show THE BUCKEYE CONTROVERSY Contest Among Directors Reaches Third District Court I I IKCKS STOCK 7 lV QCESTION iletendoonle cordoored to hol 01110 111 101roostry I rokCelar 4 aars I VacSollik The factional illtTeren a that hilrof firkin cxlptlno for alto liont three or four eeka between tile atorkhuIJtra ot thr liurkcye Mlnlnir company tter carried I into court on iuo lowarranto proceedings ulay Attorney Jnmea f Mayor appeared furt > Julw fhrrV thlt mornliiK and applied for n writ of Injunction In b half of leorRo Irlamon UeorK IMInm ny lerxe llomney James K Jril nine Munea W Taylor and Thomaa V I Taylor agalnm John lle k lllchanl J Taylor A A Fired It I J Crllchtow i and fl 1 Younx A Made a llrlant 1 YII The com Ulnl Pets t forth that Iho nn nll1 stockholders forefoot of Ilia tmkv company occurred on the Vill tat at whlrh the ilrfendanta were elected dlreclora under the alatemelit nnlo by Heck that ho onne < l 11XMJ hare which It la I alleged tttri ulten I i Ua Winner and tho Pnrlilo umber rompany na collateral Pecurlty I u certain Indebtedness of Heck a the lime for nostril limit pretluuly chaired I la I alpj pot out that at Ih pain leetlna the ilefendanla elected llrlant II Young pccifiary and treaiurer and that for now nets under the illrecllon of take lfrnilanta I H I alao allcrd thai In the Interval nr 1 majority of the urkhr > lera of Ons litickeere ornpany Hi plalntlffp atelier han Thames K Taylor Intl on the lllh ill January and iiualin aa directness An1 naine1 Thomaa K Ta > lor for the loilllnn of peereiary and trnaurer un the Into Inpt It la alleged lleirire r Itlprnon na iirrldent and Thomaa IL i Taylor na arrrenry and treasurer made u demand ot llrlant H Ynunc I hAt he purrender and turn over to hern the listless and other property of lisp company The roiuept III la alleged met with a refupal Ilalnlirta I nun ak that each of the cllicctnra IK oute1 from omer Includ Inc llrlnl H Youmr and that Pall Ilse hearing each ot th defendant Ila tlral1 from UII In their official capacity or In In any way encumber or dlI IOP of Ih comiuinya property Judii fherry silence an order clllna the lefendanta lo appear Worst him nl not Phow cause why 1 writ of Injm lon hII1 net Issue at 030 a all SAturday SAt-urday rebrunry 4111 |