Show srtiunniMi rnitimii < rL r 11041rellookrollIskork efforts for likiltlear U I lllre lllirnl New Worker It may Interest our reader lo know that i reamer rharka are dairy pro I patterns t who retirement I firms Met deal In dairy auppllea Theme men KI About the country hunllnc for plaiea where farmers urn talklnii about recthuf n cratiffitty Their plan la I tn xo Into Push A nlchlh1 little wotoris tit or litter tOI 11n h I nlll heln them work ui > their Pcherno They itrlt about with there men rmm still In I ram and talk up Iho great plapi blllllea of dalrylof Thrlr IJo t Is I in Il the ran In Jut a iontr cl agreeing to take MI many pnarea of Stuck In th rrruimry Th prliw they charge I generally an eiorluiant one and lin 110op nr more iihut the Inure apke1 for reputable Connotes VV Ikr In Ihla way Iho creamery I agoras forge net rliilmtuiea tn 1 ton Irntt under Settle preienpea I that it the farm m who I rUii 1 7olh under Poland fair mntler ul nil nnl I In many Pascal they site not priiunnl in BO lulo Ihe creamery bulnen Th prominent promi-nent rllln who help work up tells sotoIll file usually trtimodatt by Pa A a tounitorr Ili r Photre it Still it I ellhir for rolhliiK I or at n very Ion I prite Ihla nay of ptarllnR I creamery cream-ery la Coolant tile tnopt 1 r penplv metho I that ran Cat I tlmuitht of While torn ieumerle oritaolKe by them pro I molera I hAves prnted 1 piurepaful Iho r4t tnajrliy of them fall nfier u short run Them la uriiaiiy Inn I rauea fur theme raltiuia Th Into agent r1 flat mui h In gain next iltiei and Ih factory I iiuully mI ton 14rair I fnr Hi lupply ot milk avallablo frons < Ilia Purr failing muntry It 41 I IInl tot the Indlann at perfinent situation lowlep a eircular Jim trial Ih nuorgort 1 Plantain lie Pays that lit know of 1 rreamerlea In I illami whlih rI orlulnill liter I wo put h und which nr now defunct lit I a that irMinert bulldlmi I may lal emiei for from SAM lo II I = and iuliieil with machinery fur linnUlna OO i unl of milk 10 r lay in o loin or UUW I I 0 Paris that no ro 1ml8 craginitry Pliould over I sm 1IIh1 bcOff Ih Pitakholders and Iall lime IUAII W olrilvr A certain amnlll or ik poor dy lullA tile year lh1 Ilk ilia creamery Coolant live 1ly the Vermin cry Potation bluff their my Ihrull any IIIIIIY Statir I lain A fItirr plents contrac I under thotse canilltions area will par him lure even al A tooni I rlh r Ihan onto 1 1 14Apult I Ulr all IC8 In falls olr 10 fur ilia farmoor tit Owner In have nntlilnlr II de I 11 tholve creamery hntk It enticed llu the thing under falp pretenaei a would am IP him to limits t Hla onenty AndaitidLr I nn i In utnituncta Ila l lotion Ili Or frlihtrne1 out or n Ao u ik Ih rf fvlloup will not bring II law atilt for her knnu very well that It they 10 their meUKKJa till I 11 receive nn airing that will 10 thein nor harm titan onyllnl fine hal could happen 10 thotill |