Show Service Star Gives Delightful Affair Is Held as Part of Annual Convention of of Utah Division The Utah division ot of the thc Service Star Legion held a banquet FrIday evening evenin in the Memorial house houe Memory Memory Mem- Mem ory grove as a feature or of the zions zion's annual convention Mrs C. C G. G was in charge assisted b by Mrs A. A A. A Green Mrs C C. D. D Brown ticket committee Mrs Al AI fred Clawson Mrs Mr C C. L. L Mrs W. W G. G Henry table committee Mrs A A. L L. Murray and Mrs Fred Davidson decoration committee The young ladies who assisted in serving were Miss Alice Smith Miss Ger trude Clawson Miss Esther Davies Miss Helen Shurtliff Miss Irva lift liff Miss Mis Pearl Dorton Miss Fa Fay Cloward and Miss Dorothy Jane Done The tables were arranged in the form of a T and the table was centered with a long low basket or of white and red flowers Mrs John Q Cannon was toastmistress and the following gave talks Mrs B. B F. F Quinn To the Service Star Members Members Mem Mem- bers Mrs A. A L. L Murray to the Town Guest Mrs Leila Rich ardson Nephi To the Gold Star Women Mrs R. R W. W Fisher To the State President and State Officers Mrs Charles n. n Mabey To Memory Park Mrs Fred Davidson To the National Pr President Vocal selections were given by Mrs S. S A. A Regan |