Show INSIDE STUFF t. t B Ur PAUL MALLON WASHINGTON Ma May 5 Scientists vho ho run around the world trying to record eclipses of the sun should hurry to Washington Washinton immediately Sunny Jim Farley is in one now which is phenomenal The postmaster ter general has maintained his good goodnature goodnature nature without interruption for many years ars even through the airmail mess What has darkened his beaming countenance coun- coun now is a Sunny Jims Jim's curious incident Ll in- Good side the new deal Is 15 Farle Fancy fired a certain holdover or of the posto postoffice department several weeks ago for lor what he hc considered con con- good and sufficient reasons The was not only a lican but what Fancy Farley would call an 0 obnoxious Republican n meaning he was too Republican even f for r a new deal lib Ills a job was given gIyen to a d deserving erving Democrat Shortly thereafter Mr Fancy Farley read in the newspapers that the man he fired had been appointed to a better job in the treasury department at a lary of oC about Many Wall street smart mart fellows have ha worked themselves into a frenzy renz the last few da days s 's tr trying in to find the answer to the treasury's new stabiliZation ution fund mystery The They suspect further dollar Continued d on Pace Pac Two TAo INSIDE STUFF Continued from roin Page Pue One OM more gold or silver sil buying possibly federal backing for the bond market What has driven them balmy Is the fact that none of these steps is needed needed need need- ed none ot of them sounds logical But then why did the treasury take its ils sold prom profit and prepare its stabilization stabilization tion fund for action at this time S The most satisfactory whispered explanation ex- ex is that the treasury did it because ot of France Insiders have been expecting France to go oU gold goldat at any time Jime at Prance France l Ia May least to the extent Toss To Up Gold o a I. I gold Soon embargo against exports to coun countries tries Advance information also indicated the May day riots in Paris would be much more serious than theY were When France gives up the gold sponge there are bound to be strong fluctuations In both sterling and th the dollar The treasury wanted to be ready to counteract these fluctuations whenever they come There is Just one trouble about that I explanation It comes off the record from official sources The official boys never have been particularly truthful in explaining their foreign exchange purposes I 0 The department ot of justice has been beena a beehive since the last Dillinger es- es cape Word has been passed down the line that he must be captured Apparently the higher ups are arc wor- wor ned about the political effect There seems to be a general feeling on the outside that Dillinger would b in a cell now it If the federal agents cooperate with state and city The agents are being accused ot of tl trying to make a grandstand play b by working alone That nat is not the there therel I re rel l explanation ot of why the federal federals s ants are arc working They do don donot n not trust local police in many local local- tits tit I j 4 j 4 0 Jl gropp ro p of new deal economists vs AS sitting around gabbing the other d dy i. i when one hit upon a bright idea f tor solving all our current economIc p Said he What we need now Is to absorb te ten million unemployed and to stun stirn the capital New Dealer goods industries at Way the same time Td d' d Recovery All right lets let's c st start rt oft off by putting put put- ting the ten millIon violators ot of the NR NI A codes code in jaiL That would ne ne- tate building more jaiLs We could hire the ten million played for tor jail construction and purchase pur pur- chase jail building materials from the caPital goods industries Presto chance ol The Thc problem is solved For or a minute his listeners thought h be serious 0 NOTES rue I e justice department obtained f frOm Om th court a postpone meat ment in that oU oil ode code c case That may mem six months months' deay In ot of whether the government is going to enforce the code to the tho Copyright 19 The Tel gram |