Show TON for 74 No s set t ot of is happier I over the nomination ot of Al AI Smith than the Woodrow Wilson Old Guard Its Ils members feel that Gov- Gov SmIths SmIth's election to tile the presidency deney dency would bring the United States nearer to cooperation with the league ot of nations than anything whIch has happened since the senate son son- ate refused to ratify the treaty ot of s The reasoning Is that Smith Is the first Democratic presIdential presIdential pres- pres nominee since the war who has behind him the united support ot of American citizens ot of IrIsh ex- ex t Is s these who have hae b been en the lie opponents ot of AmerIcan Aner- Aner lean Ican entry Into the league Even Een the adhesion of the IrIsh Free State to the Geneva organization has not reconcIled Irish Americans to to the International Ideals of Woodrow Wilson Al AI Smith Is a confirmed lIe He Is also heart and soul for the world court Smith Insisted upon a world court Plank in Ills his last gubernatorial platform read tIle tho touch In Smiths Smith's message to the Houston convention when ho he said that the divine command to love thy as thyself contains no limitation and was Intended to apply as between nations ThIs This Is necessarily a story without with with- out a name attachable to It Theres There's Theresa a certain politicIan who adorns one ot of the great parties and who at onetime one onetime time ranked as a possible dark darl hors in tills this year of Hoover and Smith A brother statesman just justI returned from the scene ot of hostilities Wee In fn the tho southwest was I why hadn't let his name be put forward for Cor tile the presidential nomination Oh was tile tho reply les hes paraphrased Henry Clay and says rather be tight than be president an western all ticket and it two chIef campaign managers taken lake from the sIde of tile the 1 the G G. O. O P. P gives many students of politics the ImpressIon that it Is goIng to concentrate the bulk ot of Its fire In states beyond the le AlleghenIes Hoover Curtis Work Vork and Good aU all have havo their political roots In the open spaces with relatively rela- rela few contacts In the east There of course be an eastern campaign with seasoned leaders like Senator Moses ot of New shire In charge but all the signs point to the tho west as the region In which the Republicans ns will vill expend their greatest effort The Tho Democrats Democrats Demo Demo- will bo be found training theIr heaviest guns on the east cast and south although h they're talkIng of mopping I I up 30 20 to 3 electoral votes otes in hour four or five corn com belt states like South Dakota Wisconsin Is tile the middle western of which Democrats are confidently Doth Both parties thIs year are going to make a special effort to get out the the Indian vote ote In the half dozen Or more states In which there are arc reservations or large IndIan communIties corn com inanitieS It there theres political gratitude tude among the the lIe lIe- publican ticket ought ouCh to be the main beneficiary and Charley Chancy Curtis Is the man principally responsible On for forIt It it In the year a bill passed the house of whereby whereby where where- by citizenship would be conferred upon Olson any Indian who applied for tor it ft When the bill reached the senate CurSe Curti ot of brought about an amendment which automatically bestowed be- be stowed citizenship upon Indians The Kaw statesman won the undying un- un dying gratitude of all the people of his blood Out In Oklahoma whIch has a rge l-rge rge Indian population they're already saying ying that Demo mo- mo hopes of carrying that doubt doubt- tul UI bord tate state have baye gone gummering gUm gUm- mering because of the determination tion of the Indians IndIana to get Bet behind the red man running for tor vIce president on the hoover Hooyer ticket The league n f Women omen Voters expects expect to resume its campaign of po Itka I education amm Indian women this summer and fall faiL Senator JIm Reed need will not walt wait for the to too o open n later lat In the season but Sa is 5 about to roil 1011 up his sleeves and take the warpath in Missouri 1 without delay There Is a hot Democratic senatorial primary there to pick a nominee for tor tIle the seat Reed Heed has determined de- de to relinquish on March 4 4 1929 JIm is supporting a wet Democrat James A A. Collett a western west west- cnn ern Missouri l lawyer against Charles M. M Hay St. St LouIs lawyer ardent dry and earnest crusader for the league ot of nations as a Wilson Dem- Dem Reed plans to go to bat for tor tt on aU all the national Issues now before belore the country and as the primary light fight Is a scrap between a wet and a dry It i Is expected ex- ex that will ivill vigorously If not violently espouse the prohibition viewpoInt ot of AI The next Coolidge puzzle concerns the presIdents presIdent's plans after March 4 next The best bet among the guessers Is that his name sooner or later will appear upon the shIngle shingle shIn shIn- gle ot of a Boston law firm with a branch office at Northampton Not long ago In discussing lug his future In the guarded terms ot of whIch he heIs heis Is so fond Mr h Coolidge remotely hinted that he would resume the practice of law In the home town where Ills his career began The second best prognostication Is that the president will become the chief executive ex- ex ot of a New England college or university with hIs own alma mater Amherst the tho likeliest choice Ills friends believe that the dent thanks to personal habits ot of thrift And careful Investment ot of his Income during tile the past five years wilL quit office a relatively rich richman man with no occasion to 10 worry about keeping the wolf wol from the I Coolidge door CaPitol has lapsed Into thede- thede rented cIty It becomes comes every lour four years Only a stray senator or rePresentative reP reP- representative Is now to be found In his office e. e Even secretarial starts staffs are depleted and merely a clErk or two are left behind to open mall mail anI and carry carryon on such routine busin bud busi- n Iss s as turns up UI during during th dog lays clays Members 1 ot of I om states close to come cometo cometo to the capital perIodIcallY but as scores upon Scores ot of them have fights for reelection on their hands most ot of them are arc at york lug In tile tho folks back homE ThIs will willbe be occupation wIth few exceptions exception from now V till November Tile The wheels ot of the SOY SOY- will ivill not creak again until after the voIce o 01 the tho people leople has I spoken at the ile polls f Copyright 1928 j |