Show I a. a iRACE RACE e Resul ts f LINCOLN FIELDS FIELD III Flut ra race six Ix tolly Seth t. t un u.n. 1 3 won Sweet S ee Mandy Handy 1510 1 ae and oad Beauty IG third Time 11 8 2 S Also rash MOOdY Charm Mary ar Shasta Belle Bele Second rare rao five and Ray ny et 1010 1500 stoe 08 won Richards 1520 0 01 second Joe lauh l Murray third Time 1 1 Mao AIo cans cans- rans Stolen KIsses led Yace lale Third pace aix 1 Pender 1503 30 won ra Ia don dona Un n Golden SIUt Halbet 0 1020 third third- third Time I I 6 Also AIo ran rans Riot Colonel Toka Frightful Star Fourth race nub and an eighth eighth- anc Ralph Leyland 30 0 Un U.n. won Odd Fellow y II 1 WoOlf UC second Treasurer 8 third Time 16 IS AlSo Allo ran cans Twelve Sixty John Johnson II I. I race alx Gift furlongS Hawk Cral 1462 8 won Car talo ago Outer 0 1433 38 second ncr ncr- Dt Crave Craver 5 1 72 1 thIrd Time IU 15 IS Also AIo rans rana Fannie J. J Dana Dan Sixth race rae five and one half turlon Bachette Eliton 1935 13 80 won Roundup Kelly Kely 1 U sec ec ond Trompe ot of Dawn C. C I hO Allen Allen third llO Also rails rails- n f a Jeff el reggy eg laJ Lee Seventh race rlee mile mie and a sixteenth sixteenth- Sandy Lady 1514 11 00 8 3 won Mimi Oely Kelly 16 second leond Maudal Baudais Woolf Wool 00 third time IU 36 35 Also AIo rana Edgewater Coloratura SmIling Betty Marydale ardale LA LATONIA TONIA First Firt race six Barrett 12 60 ua 1212 yon von Dest Spade Stretton 70 6 se- se Bob Johnston third I Time t 14 to I oOn rana-Littie rana i 1 6 1 hattie pha Loud tc Speaker Claret Clae CuP Rio Em Second race six alx furlOngs W. W W. W Pool 2300 14 n won Dig Big Sandy W. W Garner Ganer 3 un u.n. see see- ond Panani H. H Pool 1001 13 third bird Tint Time 11 AIo AIno United tans Army Two Bills Dl Bonsby Meadow Lark Sauce As A. pin Lake Che Nomination The Miss Third race six alx Sister furlongs Zol Zo Barrett 0 1 won on lied led emara nV W. W 1001 C. C H. H 64 WhIsk Arrow W. W Garner U. U third rime 5 1132 5 2 Also rana and andRose Rose Roe ot of MY Mv Heart race race sl furlongs furlongs-A. U. U r Den Den singer Abel 32 80 won Saucy Sue Hue Stretton 98 second sec ond Blue Agate Darrett third Time 1133 35 Also Allo rane-Grest rane Sport CImmerian Dol Doily S. S Scotland W Girl FlUb Fifth race one PromotIon mile if Pool 1954 5 1 won WhIsk Arm Barrett 1224 2 second Peter Parley Crump third Time I 1 38 35 3 Also Alao rana VI Stain Iam T. T Champ do dl Mars lara Sixth SIth race I six furlong furlongs Choice Abel Abel 9 0 6 won Tommy W. W Garner 1260 3 and ond Connolly Connoly 00 third Time Tim 11 5 35 Also Nemore rans-Nemore Dou ble Doom SI S' bionics bionic's JOY Le Le Cooper Seventh ra utile mie and and 70 0 yard Babe If K W. W Gari r 1 CO WOO I t 1133 se second d Prince r ce S. S oli third TIme Ime 11 S. 2 6 Also Ala rane-Ala ta rans A Adler lor JImmie Shannon Peggy Atla Ata |