Show to live Jive Up Lease Leasel I Auto Camp Campt l t o to for the city to dis- dis lease and equipment at auto park near Ninth id d Main streets were disS dis'S dis- dis S 'S Saturday b by Park Parle Commis- Commis L. L l Finch The city the camp grounds on terms which permit within a ninety day day I lIt It has been leased from the alker alker estate plan pIan to dispose of the camp campe e to city officials Iker Cheesman ot of the Chees- Chees v vestment company It Is und un- un d that Carl Zimmer vilI Interest in operating operating- the city disposes ot of It The TheIs TheIs Is Is expected to be formally hoard board ot of ed d at Tuesdays Tuesday's meeting The city's i nt In the form ot of improve improve- and nd equipment has been apI ap- ap I t. t 2500 e |